(no subject)

Sep 14, 2007 02:23

Who? Pansy Parkinson and Sebastian Savage
What? Pansy signs the confession for her part in Hermione's attack
When? About two hours after Draco Malfoy signed his confession.
Why? Because where Draco leads, Pansy follows much to Sebastian's disgust and amusement.

Sebastian Savage knew he wanted to be an auror from the time his wand chose him. His father was an auror. His grandfather had been an auror. They were the elite, and it was family tradition. His grandfather had been muggle born. He passed along his love for muggle movies and music to his grandson. Somewhere along the line the passion for American telly surfaced as well. Sebastian loved a good cop show or buddy cop flick. Sometimes he took that passion into his work. This was one of those times.

"Sure I can't get you something to drink Ms. Parkinson?" He asked as he sat down across from her in the room she was being held. Dark eyes looked up and met him with a glare. He gave her a smile. "I promise it isn't spiked with Veritaserum."

"I have nothing to say."

"Yes, that has been your statement for several hours now. You are consistant." Tapping his quill to the parchment in front of him, he shook his head and made tsking sounds. "His confession is an interesting read."

That got her attention. She gave him a curious look and attempted to see what he was reading. He merely smiled and pushed it over to her. It was a copy of course. He wouldn't trust her with the original.

There was silence as she read over Draco Malfoy's brief yet informative statement. Ever since Sebastian brought her in she had remained emotionless and firm in her desire not to speak. Now some of that cold hard exterior seemed to be melting. For a second he thought he might have seen fear flicker in those dark eyes. Then it was goon and she looked up at him and said quietly, "Draco wasn't the one who kidnapped her. He was a participant after the fact. I'm the one who took the mudblood from the hospital. Her statement was the truth. I'll sign whatever you want."

"He wants to keep it quiet. Doesn't want a trial, and asked to go straight to Azkaban. Something about the kid and wife. Though if I had to hazard a guess I think it's more about the kid. You seemed awful willing to keep up that wall of silence to protect him, and now you're ready to confess and join him in Azkaban. That is a pretty close friendship."

Another moment of silence while they stared at each other. "I wish to wave my right to a trial. Take me to Azkaban."

"You sure about that? I'm all for saving the Wizarding community money by locking you up now, but this is your chance to make yourself known as the real woman by his side." He leaned forward and cocked a grin at her. "Isn't that what mistresses live for?"

"You are a foolish prat who speaks of things he has no knowledge about. I'll sign the confession. Take me to Azkaban. If you ever dare to speak to me about things you know nothing about again I won't need a wand to shut you up."

"Yeah, good thing about that, seeing as your wand is secured. You are welcome to take a shot at me if you want. It's just another charge to add to the list." He pointed to his chin, still grinning at her. "Go on now, you'll punch instead of slap right? Girls like you don't slap."

"Are you finished or do you wish to continue to hear yourself speak? I dare say you're the only one who gives a rat's arse about what drivel comes out of your mouth." Pansy leaned back, folded her arms across her chest and glared at him while looking half bored. It was an impressive look. He imagined she perfected it years before.

Quill to parchment, he wrote out her confession just as she gave it to him and then slid the paper to her so she could sign it. It was another hour of paperwork and official clearance before he was able to take her by the arm and apparate her out to the prison. She never shed a tear or said a word as he lead her through the nearly silently corridor toward a cell not far from where Draco Malfoy currently sat.

"I figured between ocean view or Malfoy view this is what you'd prefer. And you thought I didn't take your needs into consideration, Parkinson." He lead her inside to the cell across from Malfoy and locked the door. Casting a look over at Malfoy and then back at Parkinson, he shook his head and muttered, "You Death Eater love. It's enough to warm the cockles of my heart...no wait that is disgust. Sorry about that. Enjoy your stay." With that he walked away with a smirk on his face. Two of the wastes of space were in cells where they belonged. Only a few more dozen to go. Sometimes Sebastian really loved his job.

pansy parkinson, after 19 years later, sebastian savage, fic

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