Yule Ball

Dec 31, 2007 03:26

Who: Open to everyone and their parents.
What: Yule Ball and oh yeah, a wedding of some sort.
Where: Hogwarts Great Hall, and the grounds behind the bushes since Snape will otherwise occupied.
When: Back dated to December 21, Yule Ball.
Anything else: Go Bendy time! Feel free to slow post or not post at all. I had to get something up, so you could all have your get down. Mun and muses thanks you for your patience and happy New Years!

Severus was ten years old again and resting with his back against the merry go round, staring at the pale red evening. Lily Evans, the prettiest girl in the world, was lying beside him and they were talking about the future. Dreams were simple at that age, even though Severus was amazed to be a decade old. All the things he had lived through, all the things he would go on to see, because even when he was ten, Severus knew he would achieve great things. He wasn’t meant to live and die like some dirty Muggle. He was going to be great. A strong and powerful Wizard.

And he would have Lily and the world would be perfect.

Severus Snape tugged on his coat sleeves during the entire ceremony. He kept staring into Lily’s green eyes from behind the veil, wondering if this was real. He was only vaguely aware of the vows and Minerva’s voice. He ignored the guests and the children who sat nervously through it, from the girls and their doe-eyes to the Slytherin males who seemed somehow scandalized to see their Headmaster marrying a Gryffindor.  He ignored the chuckles and calls of “about time!” when Minerva spoke of loving, honoring and obeying. He tore his gaze from Lily just once, when they asked if anyone had objections to this union.

The Hall was mute, entranced by the vision before them. Severus smiled.

This was really happening he thought. He was really marrying Lily…always…

The kiss came swiftly and sweetly. Lily almost pounced him when McGonagall uttered the words, ‘you may kiss the bride.’ He smiled into her lips.

Severus, who was unaccustomed to public displays affection, pulled quickly from the kiss but kept his arm firmly around Lily’s waist. Now that he had her, he wasn’t content to let her go.
            His blush turned into a scowl when Sebastian offered Minerva the wine cup. Severus shot a glare to Lily and saw her smiling. Minerva was smiling like the cat that caught the canary. Even Dumbledore was chuckling softly. Those little…

He sipped the wine, and let Lily drink it.

Sebastian leading the call of “Mazel Tov” drowned out the shattering of the glass.

Severus took to Lily down the stone steps to the main floor of the Great Hall. The music began softly. Everyone was watching as he tugged her closer to him and began to dance with his wife. His Lily. He had achieved the dream he had kept close to his heart since he was nine years old and watched a pretty girl with red hair from behind the bushes. Let them watch.

He had Lily.


It was midway through his third dance with his wife, when he heard Minerva’s overblown exasperated sigh.

“Leave it to Severus, he throws a party and expects for him to be the only one enjoying himself.” Minerva deadpanned, as she grabbed Isaiah and led him to the dance floor. Isaiah seemed to realize his duty and promptly took her waist. She smiled at him, and then to rest of the students.
            “Yes, yes I suppose you can come dance too. Enjoy your dance, and don’t let this stuffy old man take your glory away.”

severus snape, lily (evans) potter, roleplay

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