(no subject)

Dec 29, 2007 03:28

Who? Remus Lupin, Harry Potter and later Sirius Black
What? It's more then two decades later, but Remus and Harry have a score to settle with the veil.
When? Now. hpsixwords timeline
Why? Because they both hate drapes????
Author's notes: This was discussed between the mun and I awhile back, but after the evil youtube vids of angst tonight we decided let's go for it.

It was cold, but Harry wasn't sure the temperature had anything to do with the way he was shivering. He hadn't forgotten the night that Remus and Dora found him in the Room of Requirement blasting replicas of the veil that Sirius fell into all those years before. More than once Remus had promised him that he and Harry would settle their score with the veil after the war was over. Of course after the war was over there were loads of things to do. Wounds needed to be healed; physical and mental, and families needed to be repaired. There was work to finish up. Friday was Harry Potter's last day as an auror. What better way to celebrate his retirement than arranging to meet with Remus so they could break into the Ministry of Magic and destroy the veil?

Harry had sent an owl that said simply, "Meet me at our park bench." He knew that Remus would understand which bench he meant. He excused himself from the house with excuses of things to wrap up at the Ministry. It wasn't a lie, really. It just wasn't the entire truth. Funny how easy that was for him to do now. Lying with the truth. He really was quite slytherin at times, or perhaps he had spent too many years working in a semi-political position. After all when you're the Head of the Aurors you have to become well versed at dealing with the public and those appointed with running the Wizarding world. He was better suited for that than he would have thought, but deep down he was definitely ready to walk away. His heart wasn't in the job anymore.

He made the walk to the park bench where he and Remus had talked not that long before and warmed himself up by sipping on the bottle of Irish Whiskey he brought with him. No tequila tonight. Harry was aware others would have wanted to come along with them to do this, but he felt, and he was sure Remus agreed, that this was something he and Remus needed to handle together. That night they had lost a part of themselves that they honestly never got completely back. Not even with Remus and Sirius's return. That night they had lost a member of the family the three of them had built together. Remus became the last Marauder standing, and Harry became more lost than he could ever remember being before. They'd gotten through it, but the fact remained they needed to do this. Settle the past so you can embrace the present and look forward to the future right?

Staring out at the empty playground, he took another sip of whiskey and waited for Remus to arrive.

sirius black, remus lupin, after 19 years later, roleplay, harry potter

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