
Oct 06, 2007 21:11

Who? Amycus Carrow, Sirius Black and James Potter the Elder
What? You really shouldn't dare a sociopath to try and break you. Sirius will remember that eventually.
Why? Because Carrow is an evil bitch and those Marauders are just begging to be played with?
When? Now.
Title: Kinda I want to.
Rating: Hard R for violence and torture.
Author's notes: ( Read more... )

amycus carrow, sirius black, james potter, after 19 years later, fic, roleplay

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bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 02:25:47 UTC
This had to stop ( ... )


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 02:44:29 UTC
The waiting was part of the thrill of course. It wasn't really a hunt when the sacrificial lamb would come walking straight into the trap, but there was a tingle up his spine regardless. Children broke so easily. People broke easily. Too easily for Carrow's taste. If only they could be made of stronger stock. Of course the older they get, the more they have to lose, and then they become more desperate ( ... )


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 03:03:07 UTC
"Oh, darling, I don't know, forgetting a man's flowers on the first date? Next time I'm going to demand a diamond ring, with this rate," Sirius didn't let his body betray the mild shock of being tied up and blindfolded. Not being able to see wasn't his idea of a good time unless it involved sex and he was not going there with this Carrow. No thank you.

"Maybe we'll have to spend the evening fogging up windows," he added. "As added payment. They always say that make up snogs are the best snogs, you know."

Yeah, he'd blame the whiskey for that one later.

Sirius shifted a little, rolling his shoulders and feeling out the ropes that held him. Tight, not painful - yet, anyways, but he knew that would change soon enough - and the blindfold...he'd spent months and years in solid darkness.

He was used to this.

"I suppose this'll have to do," he tacked on, as an almost bored afterthought.


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 03:12:38 UTC
"Diamonds? Oh we can't possibly discuss diamonds until a fifth date at least. No, no I promise you'll have my undivided attention this weekend to make up for my carelessness ( ... )


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 03:21:18 UTC
Oh, and did the pain sing.

Nerve endings crackled as the fingers were dug into the open flesh of the wound, jolts of electricity running up along his bones, dancing until the sparks hit behind his eyes. Being dragged wasn't the problem, it was the fact that it had been awhile since he'd honestly felt himself bleed.

It was a novel feeling against the pit of his empty stomach, the scent of it in his nose. He made sure to scuff the earth around his feet before he felt the whirling darkness close in and then landed wherever it was that they were. Who knew?

At this point, he didn't care about that.

The curses were coming.


Pain was measured in many ways. Pain could make your stomach twist, your eyes clench, your teeth grit. In his case, nails dug into his palms and his teeth sunk into his lip hard enough to taste blood in his mouth. Oh, Sirius, what have you done.The thought merely crossed his mind for a moment, before he opened his eyes behind the blindfold, vision red, darkness still blurring his vision. No ( ... )


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 03:36:19 UTC
"No need to sweet talk me, Sirius. You've already won my affection." He was pleased at the compliment though. Black had been through Azkaban with no trial. They spent years trying to make the caged bird sing. He didn't have any dementers here to help increase the fear. The fact was, they creeped Amycus out a bit. He didn't trust them to be loyal. The only person he trusted completely was his sister. Everyone else was categorized in shades of grey and black ( ... )


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 03:57:45 UTC
Sirius felt the cold steel of chains being wrapped around his wrists and the lifting of his arms through the haze that fogged over his brain and in his eyes. Everything felt heavy and labored, like even if he could have fought, he wouldn't have had the energy to bother, but he knew that was the spell. He shook his head in an attempt to clear the cobwebs out and listened to the clank of metal against metal, the floor and wall near him against his back and underneath his legs.

They'd chained him to the wall in Azkaban until his body sagged and his shoulders screamed. Sitting was nothing.

Finally, his tongue found power again and he spoke, his voice a little softer, but just as smooth. "If anything? She's probably even better than she was. I've seen the look in Harry's eyes. I'd say she's more of a hellcat these days, actually, rather than a minx. Professional sport will do that to a woman's confidence."

A long moment, to allow that to sink in, before he shifted and rolled a little to the direction of the man's voice, blindfolded eyes ( ... )


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 04:11:58 UTC
Ah Amycus has no idea about death so he takes it at face value of course. There is a smirk, but it's wasted on a blindfolded man. He should remove that blindfold soon. Not just yet though ( ... )


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 04:21:27 UTC
Silence was killing him. His ears were straining against the darkness as he listened, breath still, heart pounding in his ears. The hair on his injured arm stood straight up a half second too late, as the current jumped from prod to open flesh, causing him to jerk his arm away with a yelp as the shock raced up his limb at the crack.

Sirius sucked in a ragged breath and pressed himself back against the wall, heart racing, mind reeling. The sudden burst of pain had given way to sparks behind his eyes, his breath frozen in his lungs. He couldn't breath. Couldn't speak.

Couldn't think.

Carrow was going to catch him off guard like this. He had to prepare, which made him tense. Oxygen filled tight lungs and he swore his heartbeat was loud enough to fill the room. And one tiny bead of sweat broke at his forehead, trickling down to the blindfold as he fought to calm his heart and his lungs.

He was done talking.


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 04:29:22 UTC
His gaze was focused hard on his victim so he could take in every movement, every sound, and roll it around in his mind for years to come. Oh this was the fun stuff. The pure pain and pleasure that proper torture could induce. Mind you, it was purely pain for Black and purely pleasure for Carrow, but Amycus was all right with that ( ... )


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 04:45:21 UTC
The kick to the ribs was enough to make him yelp again, a sharp sound that echoed as the pain spread in his side and gave him reason to writhe against the chains that were holding him and the sharp prod higher on his arm did nothing more than piss him off, breaking down those little barriers in his brain.

you're not a killer black you're a madman voldemort's heir don't you know just admit it you're crazy and you killed those people killed them all killed peter and lily and james and you would've killed harry

raving lunatic look in his eyes

The lips parted into an open mouth grin as he started to laugh. Oh, the pain, it burned inside and his tongue tasted of blood from the marks of his teeth against his lips and his cheek, but he was laughing. Not saying a damn word as he laughed for a long moment.

"Again! Do it again, Carrow!"


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 04:51:52 UTC
There was no laughter from Amycus. He merely watched as his new pet performed tricks for him. Did the puppy like to be kicked? Well, as much as there were people like Carrow who got off on inflicting pain, there were just as many who got off on receiving it. Was this masochism though or had he managed to break him too quickly.

Mother always told him he played too rough with his toys.

Alecto always understood why he did.

The blindfold was lifted as Amycus grabbed hold of Black's chin and forced him to look in Carrow's eyes. Blue met grey and he saw that the laughter reflected in Black's eyes as well. Intriguing.

"Say please and we'll work something out, love."


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 04:59:07 UTC
Sirius grinned.

"Didn't think you liked mercy," he replied, as he panted, breaths coming hard still as he worked past the pain in his side and forced himself to focus on other things. Where he was. Who he was with. Anything that could be useful later. Always a soldier, he was. Bloody Gryffindors.

Then he whipped his head around and sank his teeth into Amycus' hand, biting him as hard as he possibly could with a snarl.


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 05:06:35 UTC
This time it was Carrow's turn to laugh. This was more like it. Fight back. Don't cower and break so soon. He thought he had misjudged Black until the bite. Amycus drew his hand back and examined the wound curiously. He hadn't yelped or screamed, but the laugh should have been reward enough ( ... )


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 05:16:48 UTC
"Why do you want to know?"

The words were forced out as Sirius felt his torso being punctured by the blade of the steel knife, and the heat as his blood rushed to the surface and spilled onto his skin. Focus, Sirius. Focus. Find that place in your head where none of this exists, shut it down.

"You know damn well how the secret keeping works," he spit out. "You can't tell unless you're the one who's been bound. I'm sure that you've been his little pet before, haven't you? Better than that greaseball."

The pain seared in his ribs again and made him gasp a little, clenching his teeth. For all he knew, Carrow was bluffing.

"What secrets...do you have that you don't want to share with...the class?"


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 05:24:00 UTC
"My Lord would never make me his secret keeper. That honor goes to people who are less likely to...enjoy their work as much as I do." He had no qualms with his place in the inner circle. The truth was that Amycus didn't want to run things. He never wished to be the Lord's favorite. He never wanted to be called on and counted on as the go to guy. That was too much like a collar attached to a short leash. He enjoyed his freedom ( ... )


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