
Oct 06, 2007 21:11

Who? Amycus Carrow, Sirius Black and James Potter the Elder
What? You really shouldn't dare a sociopath to try and break you. Sirius will remember that eventually.
Why? Because Carrow is an evil bitch and those Marauders are just begging to be played with?
When? Now.
Title: Kinda I want to.
Rating: Hard R for violence and torture.
Author's notes: ( Read more... )

amycus carrow, sirius black, james potter, after 19 years later, fic, roleplay

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bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 03:21:18 UTC
Oh, and did the pain sing.

Nerve endings crackled as the fingers were dug into the open flesh of the wound, jolts of electricity running up along his bones, dancing until the sparks hit behind his eyes. Being dragged wasn't the problem, it was the fact that it had been awhile since he'd honestly felt himself bleed.

It was a novel feeling against the pit of his empty stomach, the scent of it in his nose. He made sure to scuff the earth around his feet before he felt the whirling darkness close in and then landed wherever it was that they were. Who knew?

At this point, he didn't care about that.

The curses were coming.


Pain was measured in many ways. Pain could make your stomach twist, your eyes clench, your teeth grit. In his case, nails dug into his palms and his teeth sunk into his lip hard enough to taste blood in his mouth. Oh, Sirius, what have you done.

The thought merely crossed his mind for a moment, before he opened his eyes behind the blindfold, vision red, darkness still blurring his vision. No tears. He would not cry for this bastard, not yet, not so soon.

"You're....good..." a cough as his lungs screamed for air. "...give you that much."


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 03:36:19 UTC
"No need to sweet talk me, Sirius. You've already won my affection." He was pleased at the compliment though. Black had been through Azkaban with no trial. They spent years trying to make the caged bird sing. He didn't have any dementers here to help increase the fear. The fact was, they creeped Amycus out a bit. He didn't trust them to be loyal. The only person he trusted completely was his sister. Everyone else was categorized in shades of grey and black.

He was quiet for a bit. Let the moment linger while Black got his wits about him. You want to start off strong, but you pause here and there so it sinks it. Make them wonder when it will come next. Curse or blunt object? You never knew what to expect. Amycus found that variety was the spice of life.

There was a slow walk to the table of toys that were hidden behind a curtain. It was no veil, sure, but give Black a little time to flash back and who knows what he would see. Eventually the blindfold would be removed. Amycus did enjoy looking into someone's eyes when he was dancing with them.

His selection was chain. Ropes weren't going to hold him for long. "STUPEFY!" He called out, not taking the time to keep his spells silent for now. Once his victim was stunned properly, Amycus moved like a panther toward a fat hog. He made quick work of replacing ropes with chains. The cold silver looked better against Black's skin than the pale ropes anyway.

"Bella told me she managed to make Potter scream your name within four hours of holding him captive. Tell me, just between us, do you think we can top that? If so, who will you scream for?" If he was lying about this little bit of information it would be impossible to tell. His tone of voice was as smooth as silk just like always.

"Heard it took him six hours before he screamed for that hot little wife of his. She's quite the minx that one. Never could get her to back down back when I was her teacher. Wonder what she's like now. Three kids will change a chit don't you think?"


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 03:57:45 UTC
Sirius felt the cold steel of chains being wrapped around his wrists and the lifting of his arms through the haze that fogged over his brain and in his eyes. Everything felt heavy and labored, like even if he could have fought, he wouldn't have had the energy to bother, but he knew that was the spell. He shook his head in an attempt to clear the cobwebs out and listened to the clank of metal against metal, the floor and wall near him against his back and underneath his legs.

They'd chained him to the wall in Azkaban until his body sagged and his shoulders screamed. Sitting was nothing.

Finally, his tongue found power again and he spoke, his voice a little softer, but just as smooth. "If anything? She's probably even better than she was. I've seen the look in Harry's eyes. I'd say she's more of a hellcat these days, actually, rather than a minx. Professional sport will do that to a woman's confidence."

A long moment, to allow that to sink in, before he shifted and rolled a little to the direction of the man's voice, blindfolded eyes staring int he direction he thought Carrow was. Even with the chains around his wrists and the pain that was still running through his body, the blood he could feel drying on his arm, he kept his nerve.

"That bitch cheated. Why pull out all the stops after four hours? And six? Please."

A wicked smirk crossed his lips.

"As for who I'll scream for...why Death, of course."


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 04:11:58 UTC
Ah Amycus has no idea about death so he takes it at face value of course. There is a smirk, but it's wasted on a blindfolded man. He should remove that blindfold soon. Not just yet though.

"You're already dead. Even if I could kill you again, I wouldn't. Death is mercy, Black. I'm not big into mercy."

Amycus walked back over to his table and perused his toys. His hand reached for something new. It was a crude instrument. One he hadn't ever played with before. Honestly, he had to credit Severus with the inspiration to find one. He was the one constantly calling them cattle was he not?

Silence. Sweet beautiful silence filled the room as Amycus watched his captive on the floor. He wasn't frightened yet. Still had some fire in his eyes, even if his eyes were covered, and well he hadn't reacted all that much to the cruciatus curse. It could be a powerful weapon when applied properly, but a wizard like Black would know to expect it.

As he took the steps that closed the distance between them he was careful to make them silent. No use giving Sirius a signal of what was to come. One hand tightened around the cattle prod as he stepped just a bit closer. Jabbing it against the exposed the cut, he watched with curious eyes to take in the reaction. Would he moo?


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 04:21:27 UTC
Silence was killing him. His ears were straining against the darkness as he listened, breath still, heart pounding in his ears. The hair on his injured arm stood straight up a half second too late, as the current jumped from prod to open flesh, causing him to jerk his arm away with a yelp as the shock raced up his limb at the crack.

Sirius sucked in a ragged breath and pressed himself back against the wall, heart racing, mind reeling. The sudden burst of pain had given way to sparks behind his eyes, his breath frozen in his lungs. He couldn't breath. Couldn't speak.

Couldn't think.

Carrow was going to catch him off guard like this. He had to prepare, which made him tense. Oxygen filled tight lungs and he swore his heartbeat was loud enough to fill the room. And one tiny bead of sweat broke at his forehead, trickling down to the blindfold as he fought to calm his heart and his lungs.

He was done talking.


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 04:29:22 UTC
His gaze was focused hard on his victim so he could take in every movement, every sound, and roll it around in his mind for years to come. Oh this was the fun stuff. The pure pain and pleasure that proper torture could induce. Mind you, it was purely pain for Black and purely pleasure for Carrow, but Amycus was all right with that.

The way Black tensed up made Carrow's eyes dance. Yes, now this was more like it. Some of that attitude had evaporated. He was getting a little closer to meeting the real Sirius Black. The man hidden behind layers of charm, facade, and of course ego. Take the lad down a notch, don't give him a chance to recover, because the moment he can expect the unexpected he takes a bit of the power back.

Amycus preferred keeping the power.

He drew his foot back and kicked Black hard in the ribs. Followed it up by another sharp poke with the cattle prod, just an inch above the previous poke. Settling into a crouch next to him, he waited and watched for the various reactions to reveal themselves. For the emotions to dance across Black's face. He'd make him dance properly before he was through with him.


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 04:45:21 UTC
The kick to the ribs was enough to make him yelp again, a sharp sound that echoed as the pain spread in his side and gave him reason to writhe against the chains that were holding him and the sharp prod higher on his arm did nothing more than piss him off, breaking down those little barriers in his brain.

you're not a killer black you're a madman voldemort's heir don't you know just admit it you're crazy and you killed those people killed them all killed peter and lily and james and you would've killed harry

raving lunatic look in his eyes

The lips parted into an open mouth grin as he started to laugh. Oh, the pain, it burned inside and his tongue tasted of blood from the marks of his teeth against his lips and his cheek, but he was laughing. Not saying a damn word as he laughed for a long moment.

"Again! Do it again, Carrow!"


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 04:51:52 UTC
There was no laughter from Amycus. He merely watched as his new pet performed tricks for him. Did the puppy like to be kicked? Well, as much as there were people like Carrow who got off on inflicting pain, there were just as many who got off on receiving it. Was this masochism though or had he managed to break him too quickly.

Mother always told him he played too rough with his toys.

Alecto always understood why he did.

The blindfold was lifted as Amycus grabbed hold of Black's chin and forced him to look in Carrow's eyes. Blue met grey and he saw that the laughter reflected in Black's eyes as well. Intriguing.

"Say please and we'll work something out, love."


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 04:59:07 UTC
Sirius grinned.

"Didn't think you liked mercy," he replied, as he panted, breaths coming hard still as he worked past the pain in his side and forced himself to focus on other things. Where he was. Who he was with. Anything that could be useful later. Always a soldier, he was. Bloody Gryffindors.

Then he whipped his head around and sank his teeth into Amycus' hand, biting him as hard as he possibly could with a snarl.


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 05:06:35 UTC
This time it was Carrow's turn to laugh. This was more like it. Fight back. Don't cower and break so soon. He thought he had misjudged Black until the bite. Amycus drew his hand back and examined the wound curiously. He hadn't yelped or screamed, but the laugh should have been reward enough.

"I do hope you've had your shots. I suppose I should smack you with a rolled up newspaper and tell you no."

He stood up and drew his foot back, kicking Sirius hard in the ribs. "Or I could save that for your friend. I do hope he doesn't feel neglected. I didn't have much time to wine and dine him before arriving for our date." His tone was whisper soft. The kind of tone you would expect when a lover crooned at you while sharing a cigarette.

"Mercy is overrated. If you believed I'd show mercy you wouldn't have come here."

Grabbing a fistful of Black's hair he jerked his head back before reaching for his knife. The dim light from the room was barely enough to reflect off the blade that Carrow waved in front of Black's face. It's sharp edge cut through the shirt Black had on before sinking into the bruised flesh near his ribs.

"Who is the secret keeper for the order, Black?" He didn't expect him to answer of course, but he had to ask. "If you won't tell me do you think your friend could be persuaded to do so?"


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 05:16:48 UTC
"Why do you want to know?"

The words were forced out as Sirius felt his torso being punctured by the blade of the steel knife, and the heat as his blood rushed to the surface and spilled onto his skin. Focus, Sirius. Focus. Find that place in your head where none of this exists, shut it down.

"You know damn well how the secret keeping works," he spit out. "You can't tell unless you're the one who's been bound. I'm sure that you've been his little pet before, haven't you? Better than that greaseball."

The pain seared in his ribs again and made him gasp a little, clenching his teeth. For all he knew, Carrow was bluffing.

"What secrets...do you have that you don't want to share with...the class?"


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 05:24:00 UTC
"My Lord would never make me his secret keeper. That honor goes to people who are less likely to...enjoy their work as much as I do." He had no qualms with his place in the inner circle. The truth was that Amycus didn't want to run things. He never wished to be the Lord's favorite. He never wanted to be called on and counted on as the go to guy. That was too much like a collar attached to a short leash. He enjoyed his freedom.

"I do know. But you can't blame me for asking. I'll ask again. I'll ask you." A beat. A long cut with the blade just deep enough to make the blood pool to the surface. Shallow cuts hurt worse than deep ones. "I'll ask your friend."

He stood up quickly, slamming Black's head against the wall in the process. Looking down at his blade he grinned. He looked like a child on Christmas morning taking count of his haul for the year. "Interesting shade of red. A bit like wine don't you think?" He smeared it on the wall before turning to walk back to his table. He had to clean the blood off. He'd hate to ruin his favorite toy.

"Right a secret. Let's play a game. If you can guess who I have in one of the other rooms I will tell you a secret. Three chances now which is quite generous. Every time you guess wrong, I hurt you. If at three you still haven't figured it out?" A cruel smile played at his lips. "I'll hurt him."


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 05:33:41 UTC
Now this was an interesting game. His head was throbbing from the force of the blow and he just rested against the wall for a long moment, to stop the spinning feeling that he had, spitting a bit of bloody saliva out in the process as he fought the waves of nausea that coursed over his frame. The open slash expanded with each breath and the oxygen meeting blood and nerve endings stung with a pain that not many could claim to experience.

A him.

It was a male. His brain wandered as he looked up and stared into Carrow's skull, eyes blazing. He was angry, he was in pain, and he was getting to be more and more rebellious as time passed.

He didn't want it to be true...but wanted to get it out of the way.


Please not Remus, not after what had happened with Greyback.


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 05:37:57 UTC
It was a good guess. Close even. Amycus couldn't reveal that though. It would give Black too many clues. A fun game had to be a challenge. "Remus Lupin, the faithful werewolf companion. He would be fun, but he killed the werewolf. I'm sure The Dark Lord already has plans for him."

The wand was aimed at Black as he called out in a delighted tone, "CRUCIO." He only said it once. It was the first guess after all. Besides, the lad had taken quite a bit of pain so far. Had to give him a little recovery time didn't he?

"Guess again."


bigbadpadfoot October 7 2007, 05:41:30 UTC

Sirius resisted the urge to scream and instead just groaned as he clenched his teeth together, squirming a little against the chains and pressing away from the wall, the fight to free himself taking his mind off the utter torture he was feeling.

When the curse stopped he gasped for a breath and hung his head.

"Not...Remus...okay then." A hard swallow, as his mouth felt dry, much too dry, and his vision swam. He stared at the floor, trying to think. A male...

"You steal the pup from Lucius? Draco's son?"


amycus_carrow October 7 2007, 05:47:02 UTC
"Sirius Black, have you grown attached to the Malfoy werewolf? Interesting."

He was intrigued by that, but he could do nothing with it. Even Carrow had some lines he would not cross. He wasn't touching a hair on the Malfoy boy's pretty little furry head. Lucius had always been a friend. Sure, he knew his games made Lucius a bit ill, but even friends didn't always agree.

"He is protected. He belongs to Lucius. Greyback should have remembered we don't go after our own. Not that he was truly one of us."

With a switch of his wand he said in a happy tone, "CRUCIO. Crucio."

He stepped back and watched with delight as Black's body twitched from the pain. This was fun. "Last chance to get it right."


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