Bi-Weekly Topic--What would you see in the mirror of Erised?

Apr 25, 2008 22:13

Every werewolf in Great Britain dead or imprisoned.

That's what I see in my dreams and I know that the mirror would reflect the same desire.


Because they're animals, all of them filthy dirty animals. Contaminating everything good and decent about Wizarding society. Perverting our bloodlines and tainting our culture. They've infected history long enough.

Soon we will wipe them from the books. Finally the bleeding hearts have begun to lose the stranglehold they have had on our Ministry. OUR ministry! The Ministry built by and for witches and wizards and not the abominations to mankind who cloak themselves in the skin of man while concealing their true natures. No longer will we have to endure their presence. No longer live in fear for our lives because it would not be 'politic' to treat them like the animals they are.

I've sat, and watched and listened while countless fools make their excuses and their arguments which amount to nothing more than sentimental foolishness.

'But they have rights too!'

'Most of the month they're men and women like everyone else!'

'They're mothers and fathers, sons and daughters. We can't reduce them to animals.'

But it wasn't us that reduced them to animals. It is their very own nature and behavior that does so. They may have been men and women once--but once infected they become slavering beasts willing and able to kill anything or anyone. Just because a dog only bites you one day a month doesn't mean you allow it to live in your house and eat from your table. You put it out of its misery.

After all, that's the merciful thing to do.

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