Incidentally, I don't know exactly what the situation is with your fic, but as long as it was written and posted this year, it's eligible, even if it was promoted elsewhere first.
Nah, the situation is that it was written for the challenge, posted to my personal web site, and introduced at the LJ community that ran the challenge. I understand you don't want any old fic that's been posted anywhere in the past year to be eligible, but there are some of us whose fandom activites are very LiveJournal-centered but who don't post every single fic in the LJs themselves. (I mean, Sam Vimes, for example, has got an entire LJ community devoted to his Stealing Harry, but it can't be nominated because it's hosted at his personal site.)
Eeek. Sorry, this is probably much more of a response than you bargained for. I do thank you for your input, as there's every intention of this being an annual thing.
It's cool, I'm just a bit cranky because I've been hitting some other stumbling blocks of late and this one struck me as a bit arbitrary. But I'm not out to start a fight--I do hope everybody has fun with it, and that some good deserving fics wind up taking the prizes. I'm sure they will.
Nah, the situation is that it was written for the challenge, posted to my personal web site, and introduced at the LJ community that ran the challenge. I understand you don't want any old fic that's been posted anywhere in the past year to be eligible, but there are some of us whose fandom activites are very LiveJournal-centered but who don't post every single fic in the LJs themselves. (I mean, Sam Vimes, for example, has got an entire LJ community devoted to his Stealing Harry, but it can't be nominated because it's hosted at his personal site.)
Eeek. Sorry, this is probably much more of a response than you bargained for. I do thank you for your input, as there's every intention of this being an annual thing.
It's cool, I'm just a bit cranky because I've been hitting some other stumbling blocks of late and this one struck me as a bit arbitrary. But I'm not out to start a fight--I do hope everybody has fun with it, and that some good deserving fics wind up taking the prizes. I'm sure they will.
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