Gift for:
mechaieh Rating: G
Even though Albus Dumbledore was dead, Minerva McGonagall didn't have the heart to revise his standing order with Honeydukes, much less cancel it. She had most of the deliveries forwarded to the infirmary -- and Poppy, in turn, donated the bulk of the non-chocolate items to St. Mungo's -- but Minerva knew that she couldn't justify this arrangement indefinitely. And yet--
The day before Halloween, Minerva McGonagall marched into Number 93, Diagon Alley, and deposited ten cases of candy just inside the door.
"Professor!" Fred scrambled up from the floor, where he had been testing a contraption with seven legs and three tentacles. George leaped down from a ladder, from which he had apparently been adjusting a floor-to-ceiling display of their latest selection of Whiz-Bangs.
"Gentlemen," McGonagall announced, "a proposal."
"But Professor, this is so sudden!" cooed Fred.
McGonagall swatted at him. George seized her hand and pressed a theatrical kiss on her palm.
Laughing in spite of herself, McGonagall continued: "I believe you can always use ingredients for 'research and development,' yes?"
Fred responded, "What does Hogwarts get from this, Professor?"
"A new laboratory, lads. Named after Albus. Funded with the profits from whatever you create out of these."