Halloween Treat from Goddess47

Oct 31, 2020 13:36

Author: goddess47
Title: Where Did It Go?

Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Rating: G
Summary: They couldn't find it!
Notes: I had planned time in my writing schedule for this fest and when it looked like it might not happen, I wrote for it anyway.

"Severus? Where did it go?"

"I was sure it was here," Severus looked around. There was nothing to indicate it had even been there.

"Maybe Peeves took it?" Harry hazarded a wild guess.

"I doubt it," Severus frowned. "It was right here the last time I saw it."

"I'll look for it," Harry promised. "I have time to do that."

"Sorry, I'll help the best that I can," Severus replied.

Harry leaned in for a soft kiss. "You have work to do. Go. I'll be fine."

Severus returned the kiss, then reluctantly left.

Harry considered. Where could it have gone?

Harry looked through all of Hogwarts for the next week. There was evidence that it had rested in several different places, but those traces were old.

"Any luck?" Severus asked.

"Lots. All bad," Harry sighed.

"We'll just have to make do," Severus decided.

"We can do that?"

"Certainly. Without directions, we can have our own festival and make our own decisions," Severus declared.

Harry brightened. "We can do whatever we want?"

"Within reason," Severus cautioned.

"Then let's celebrate!" Harry smiled. "I have ideas we can use and maybe others would like to join us!"

"Certainly. All are welcome!" Severus agreed.

^severus snape/harry potter, !slash, !2020, *goddess47, rating: g

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