Dec 21, 2006 20:00
Dear DRL
i have a strange house elf stalking me at night. he follows me everywhere i go. it is really annoyin and quite creepy!!!!!!! please help me please!!!
PERSON IN NEED xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ron: Isn't it weird how we keep getting random letters about house elves a lot?
MegzKat&Lisa: *all knowing who it is* NO!
Ron: Well I think it is ...
Luna: Me too actually I have noticed there's a lot of House Elf complaints!
Ron: I'm so glad Hermione isn't in DRL! She'd just ramble on and on about S.P.E.W all the time!
Draco: Even if the Mudblood wanted to be in DRL she couldn't!
Lisa: ... Why?
Draco: Because it's D = Draco (the best) R = Ron (Muggle Lover) L = Luna (Stupid weirdo) it's like family and if Mudblood came she'd just ruin it all and also DRLH just doesn't sound right!
Kat: and we mean nothing to you?
Draco: Ok well there's Kat = the smart one, Lisa = the insane one, Megz = well ... she's just annoying!
Megz: So in other words you love us all really and you actually do like being here! Awwwwwwwww how sweet! :]
Draco: urrr ... *panics* I didn't say that and I wasn't implying it! I hate you all!
All: Sure ....
Kat: Guys do you think we should answer the letter?
Lisa: Oh yeah ... WORK MY CHILDREN!
Luna: Complain to the Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministy! That should help! Good luck!