Dec 21, 2006 18:56
hello DRL this is Dobb.....i mean *coughs* Poddy and i would like to say heeheeheehee that u were unfair to Dobby who i ahve never met before but he sounds an excellent person and so sexy!!! i don't think u should be mean to me.. i mean him and i think you should apologise!! my...his book is brilliant and every1 should buy it!!!!!
do..poddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Draco: Why is my ex house elf such a freak? We all know it's you Dobby!
Ron: You think Dobby's a freak? Then obviously you haven't met Kreature!
Draco: Who?
Ron: Harry's house elf!
Draco: That'll be why he's a freak then!
All: *sigh*
Draco: What!?
Lisa: Oh nothing ....
Luna: Well I do feel bad! I think we should say sorry!
Megz: Are you kidding? I've read his book! It's the more disturbing thing in the world!
Luna: I'm sure it's not that bad!
Megz: Want a bet? *gets out book and opens it at a random page and shows Luna*
Luna: O.o Oh my!
Kat: Well make up your mind! Will we apologize or not?
All: Fine ....
Kat: Well lets do it then!
All but Draco: Sorry Dobby!
Lisa: urrr ... Draco?
Draco: Yes?
Lisa: Say it!
Draco: No I hate that little runt! I'm not apologizing!!
All: *rolls eyes*