Artist: leochi Title: Kissing Characters: Albus and Gellert Rating: PG13 or maybe higher? Media used: Coloured pencils, scan, very little PS October challenge at hp_fringeart Warnings: Two nude men kissing, non-explicit Notes/comments:
Artist: poor_medea Title: Debonair Characters: Draco Malfoy Rating: PG Media used: Corel Painter Challenge: Yes, white on black Concrit?:sure Warnings: none Notes/comments: Another one...this is turning out to be a fun challenge
Artist: runcible Title: Albus Characters: Dumbledore!~ Rating: G Media used: Opencanvas Challenge: yes! October 07 Concrit?: sure Warnings: n/a Notes/comments: Sorry for posting back to back like this! When it rains it pours, huh? XD The link links to my Dev.
Artist: naadi Title: Thestrals Characters: Thestrals Rating: G Media used: Photoshop Challenge: Yes - For the October challenge, "White on Black" Warnings: None Notes/comments: I've always wanted to draw these fascinating creatures, and this seemed the perfect opportunity. This was created partly by drawing white on black - the background, and erasing
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Artist: poor_medea Title: Everything's not Black and White Characters: Draco, Narcissa and Lucius Rating: G Media used: Corel Painter Challenge:Yes, white on black Concrit?: sure Warnings: none Notes/comments: what the title says...there are shades of gray everywhere.
Artist: dosandazalbra Title: Fight Club Characters: Snape and Black Rating: G Media used: PS and tablet Challenge: yes - October 2007: White on Black Concrit?: yes Warnings: none Notes/comments: link to my LJ; crossposted