Anonymous Masterlist

Jul 04, 2009 10:45

The last gift has just been posted and we are sad (and proud!) to announce the end of the very first hp_emofest. We had a lot of fun, got to read many fantastic fics and see great art, and we hope you enjoyed it just as much as we did :)

Later today, there will be a poll, so make sure to vote about the future of hp_emofest!

The Big Reveal will be posted in 3-4 days as we want to give you the opportunity to catch up and read anything you might have missed.

And now...

01) Anonymous wrote The Conquering [Harry/Voldemort - NC-17] for luciusmistress

02) Anonymous wrote Addiction [Ron/Draco - PG-13] for hollycomb

03) Anonymous wrote Thief [Harry/Scorpius, Harry/Draco - NC-17] for teganscrush

04) Anonymous wrote The Problem With War [Pansy/Ginny - NC-17] for The Group

05) Anonymous wrote Jailbait [Lucius/Sirius - NC-17] for iamisaac

06) Anonymous wrote Watercoloured [Regulus/James - NC-17] for westwardlee

07) Anonymous wrote This Must Be A Mistake [Snape/Harry - NC-17] for dm_p

08) Anonymous wrote Shag, Marry Or Cliff [Ron/Lee - PG-13] for psuedo_catalyst

09) Anonymous wrote Tangled Up In Blue [Ginny/Luna - NC-17] for larial_tari

10) Anonymous wrote Fuck Love, Give Me Fire [Harry/Draco - NC-17] for The Group

11) Anonymous wrote Ready But Not Willing [Lucius/Severus - NC-17] for k8matty

12) Anonymous wrote In Retrospect [Albus/Scorpius - PG-13] for The Group

13) Anonymous wrote Trust Me With Your Heart [Theodore/Neville - R] for bgreenwivy

14) Anonymous drew Confrontation [Ron/Draco - PG] for shutupwench

15) Anonymous wrote Like Poison [Remus/Sirius - NC-17] for The Group

16) Anonymous wrote Two Heirs [Barty Jr/Draco - NC-17] for fairy_mischief

17) Anonymous wrote Starlight In The Stands [Ginny/Luna - R] for lunalovepotter

18) Anonymous wrote The Importance Of Showers [Harry/Draco - NC-17] for The Group

19) Anonymous wrote To Sleep And Perchance To Not Dream [Harry/Tom - NC-17] for lily_phoenix731

20) Anonymous drew Mine [Pansy/Hermione - NC-17] for scarletladyy

!catch-up, !round1, !spring09, !anonymous masterlist

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