Werewolves (Hermione/Reid)

Apr 28, 2007 14:30

Title: Werewolves
Character/s: Hermione Granger, Spencer Reid, Mentions: Remus Lupin
Pairing/s: Hermione Granger/Spencer Reid
25crossovers Prompt: Table 2: #06 Silver
Word Count: 449
Rating: PG / K+
Summary: Reid gets curious at bedtime about werewolves after meeting with a few of Hermione's friends.

“So, are werewolves really allergic to silver?” Spencer Reid asked as he put down the book in his lap. Beside him, his fiancé sat down her glasses and book she had been reading and looked over to him.

“Sometimes, most werewolves are allergic to silver, but not deathly say like Superman is to kryptonite.” She stated with an amused smile as Spencer processed it.

“Okay, so how did the whole legend with silver and werewolves start?” Spencer asked, turning over to face her in bed.

Hermione laughed softly at Spencer’s curiosity, “Same as everything else. People saw werewolves back when colors meant everything to everyone and realized that silver meant pure, while werewolves were feared because they would kill and hunt anything during full moons. They were considered evil, so they thought that if silver pierced werewolves then they would die. But werewolves would have died anyway if it was a very bad wound or it pierced one of their internal organs. Not that the people realized that.”

Spencer nodded, “So it’s true that werewolves are able to heal themselves then?”

“Yes, at least twenty to thirty percent faster then humans and other animals.” Hermione stated, “which is why the people who are werewolves tend not to have any diseases or loses their cancer if they happened to have it before they were bitten. It’s also another reason why they tend to be hungry a lot. The hunger intensifies, as well, during the week of the full moon because that’s when the period of percent of healing increases. It would take several arrows or bullets just to kill a werewolf during this period. One bullet, sword or arrow does nothing but agitate the animal.”

“Interesting…” Spencer said, “So your friend, Remus Lupin, is really a werewolf?”

“Yes, he is. But he takes the infamous Wolfsbane potion which controls the werewolf whenever he transforms into one, at least if he takes it that day.” Hermione said, putting her glasses and book on the nightstand. “Now its late, and you have an early shift tomorrow, so shut the light off and go to sleep.”

Spencer laughed, “Alright, alright, I’ll stop asking questions.” He moved his book and took off his glasses and put it on his own nightstand and turned the lamp off.

With the light finally out for the night, Hermione Granger pulled her fiancé into a kiss. With a smile, Spencer deepened the kiss bringing Hermione to a moan.

“Love you,” Hermione whispered against his lips with a large smile lighting up her face.

“Love you too,” Spencer stated, pulling her face towards his again.

After kissing each other good night, Hermione snuggled against him, as he held her.


reid, -hermione/reid, hermione, remus

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