Feb 07, 2016 13:15
hello there,
I was wondering about class- length and break - length and usage in Britain school systems (and if that would apply to hogwarts and in what way?)
here were I live depending on the grade and the type of school you are in, one class can last from 45 min up to 55 min (45 is usually for elementary school) and 50-55min are usual classes at middle to high school through there it might depend on what type of school) between each class there is a 5min break here (for some classes, who have to switch rooms the brake is just that: room-switching) though such classes are rare and most of our classes stay put and only the teachers go around (exceptions are chemistry, physics and biology in high school because we have some practical stuff in those classes)
we have double classes too- starting in elementary with PE and core- classes in the 2ed half of middle school education all the way through high school. in double classes most teachers skip breaks (through they are aware that they are doing it at their own risk because children's brains just shut down) but there should be breaks - so we are allowed to drink and if you can manage it without disturbing and drawing notice to it eat in class (you have to be sneaky through).
compared to this is the British system very different?
daily life,
children and infants