Title: The Trick Is to Keep Breathing, Chapter 2: Lammas
Pairing: Harry/Hermione, Draco/Ginny, Seamus/Dean, Ron/Padma, Pansy/Parvati.
Rating: R
Category: Mystery/romance
Summary: Three years on, the second war still casts a long shadow. When facing challenges like a compulsive addiction, a baffling mystery, a life changing event, an impending career shift, or simply moving in with your boyfriend, maybe the best strategy is to lean on your friends, put one foot in front of the other, and let the saving-the-world bit take care of itself.
In this chapter: many things are beginning.
Warning: Deals with issues of addiction recovery. (
skip) Minor character death of primary antagonist.
Length: 4300 words.
Notes: Sequel to Eight Ways from Sunday (
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AO3) and the interstitial Entr'Acte (
LJ |
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AO3). Completed story being posted in chapters.
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