round-ups, beholder 2014, admin

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  • HP Beholder 2014 Round-Up #5

    atdelphi wrote in hp_beholder May 10, 2014 14:04

    Our last stories are going up next week, so I am declaring the entirety of the weekend time for everyone to catch up on their reading and viewing! If you've posted any recs, please let me know by leaving a link in a comment below.


  • " Untitled Andromeda/Sybill" (Andromeda Tonks/Sybill Trelawney. R.) for tarteaucitron


  • "A Guide and Not Read more... )

    round-ups, beholder 2014, admin

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  • HP Beholder 2014 Round-Up #4

    atdelphi wrote in hp_beholder May 03, 2014 13:24

    It's that time again! This is an opportunity to catch up on your reading and show the authors some love. If you've recommended any of the works below, please leave a comment here with a link to the rec!


  • "The Ten Month Career of Professor R. J. Lupin" (Lupin/McGonagall, Snape/McGonagall. PG-13.) for shadowycat
  • "A Lonely Road" (Severus ( Read more... )

    round-ups, beholder 2014, admin

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  • HP Beholder 2014 Round-Up #3

    atdelphi wrote in hp_beholder Apr 26, 2014 13:44

    This is an opportunity to catch up on your reading and show the authors some love. If you've recommended any of the works below, please leave a comment here with a link to the rec!


  • "To That Which Improves with Age" (Albus Dumbledore/Horace Slughorn. PG13.) for purplefluffycat


  • "By Theft or Force" (Dolores Umbridge/Arabella Figg. NC17 ( Read more... )

    round-ups, beholder 2014, admin

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  • HP Beholder 2014 Round-Up #2

    atdelphi wrote in hp_beholder Apr 19, 2014 17:39

    This is an opportunity to catch up on your reading and show the authors some love. If you've recommended any of the stories below, please leave a comment here with a link to the rec!


  • "Why Would You" (Millicent Bulstrode/Viktor Krum. PG13.) for alisanne
  • "Could Not Love You Any Better" (Amelia Bones/Charity Burbage. PG13.) for ( Read more... )

    round-ups, beholder 2014, admin

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  • HP Beholder 2014 Round-Up #1

    atdelphi wrote in hp_beholder Apr 12, 2014 15:57

    Posting will continue on Sunday, but this is an opportunity to catch up on your reading and show the authors some love. If you've recommended any of the stories below, please leave a comment here with a link to the rec!


  • "Roses in December" (Minerva McGonagall/Neville Longbottom. R.) for odogoddess
  • "The Dim Light From Which Falls Stars" ( ( Read more... )

    round-ups, beholder 2014, admin

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  • Beholder Posting Begins Tomorrow!

    atdelphi wrote in hp_beholder Apr 08, 2014 18:43

    I'm pleased to announce that in a little less 24 hours, posting will begin for the 2014 round of HP Beholder. One work per day will be posted in the late afternoon, Pacific Time, with a break on Saturdays for everyone to catch up and show the creators some love.

    I look forward to seeing you there!

    beholder 2014, admin

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  • Beholder Works Due!

    atdelphi wrote in hp_beholder Mar 28, 2014 09:47

    The deadline for submitting your Beholder works has now passed, and unfortunately I've only received a handful so far. If you've already been in touch regarding an extension, I'm very grateful, but if you haven't yet contacted me (or are under the impression you've contacted me and haven't yet received a response), please check your email and/or ( Read more... )

    beholder 2014, admin

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  • Assignments Are Out!

    atdelphi wrote in hp_beholder Feb 09, 2014 17:10

    Assignments went out on Saturday, and I have heard back from nearly everyone. If you think you haven't received your assignment, please contact me at beholder.mod at gmail dot com (after checking your spam folder) and I can re-send.

    beholder 2014, admin

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