Mod Post...

Apr 22, 2011 17:45

I'd like to apologize for the most recent Beholder posting ("A Very Bad Thing Indeed," Aunt Marge/Umbridge Millicent Bulstrode/Moaning Myrtle) being locked on the Dreamwidth hp_beholder community. All our long stories are posted there so that they don't have to be posted in parts, and I inadvertently left the admin lock on.

Go read!

Additional note: up until now, I've tried to consolidate all reader comments on the main Beholder community on IJ, but given how often the site is down, that's no longer feasible. I've unlocked all the entry posts on LJ, added a link-back to those LJ posts on the longer Dreamwidth entries, and - time permitting - I'm going to be going back and mirroring the last three years of Beholder fic and art on the Dreamwidth comm...just in case.

Many apologies for any inconvenience.


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