Greetings, Beholder Participants and Watchers!

Apr 29, 2010 13:28

With today's posting - ""The Dog's Days of Summer" (...quite possibly the first story to contain Griphook the Goblin as part of the main pairing *g*) - we have now reached the midway point of the Fest, all the wonderful art and fiction has been submitted and awaits posting, and I . . . am going out of town.

"But how does this information affect me?" I hear you ask suspiciously

"Ah," I reply, backing slowly away from the grumbling mob. "The thing is that I'm going to have very little online time for posting (or anything else) over the next few days, so I thought this might be a good time to take a brief posting holiday and give everybody a chance to catch up on their reading/watching - and commenting."

And so I present to you the Midway Point Fic and Art Round-Up, located conveniently beneath the cut:



" Bedtime Stories " (Wilhemina Grubbly-Plank / Aberforth Dumbledore)

" Timing is Everything " (Dumbledore/Filch)

" In the Rain " (Rabastan Lestrange/Luna Lovegood)

"Size Queen" (Hagrid/Harry)

"Palmistry" (Sybill Trelawney/Xenophilius Lovegood )


"Washed Clean" (Rodolphus/Rabastan)

" Swings and roundabouts " (Dudley/OC, Petunia/OC)

" Clouds of White " (Filius Flitwick/Peter Pettigrew)

"For Whom the Bell Clonks " (Charlie Weasley/Viktor Krum/Bill Weasley)

" The Arrangement " (Marcus/Pansy)

" The Days & Nights & All The Hours" (McGonagall/Hooch, McGonagall/Moody, McGonagall/Snape)

" Fists of Ink " (Millicent Bulstrode/Blaise Zabini, Rita Skeeter, Minerva McGonagall/Aurora Sinistra)

" Dinner and a Show (not necessarily in that order) " (Viktor Krum/Nymphadora Tonks; past mentions of Charlie Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks)

" Closing Time " (Minerva/Rosmerta, mention of past Minerva/Celia (OFC)

" Men of War " (Rufus Scrimgeour/Alastor Moody)

" The Fantasies of Stan Shunpike " (Stan Shunpike/Millicent Bulstrode, Stan Shunpike/Marietta Edgecombe, Millicent Bulstrode/Viktor Krum)

" A Fucking Marvelous Wolf" (Fenrir Greyback/ Remus Lupin)

"Revolution and Betrayal " (Peter Pettigrew/Lucius Malfoy)

"The rest of the mornings in the world" (Horace Slughorn/Cornelius Fudge)

"Diamond In Rough" (Marcus Flint/Pansy Parkinson, Pansy/multiple)

"But Can She Do Maths? " (Minerva McGonagall/Viktor Krum)

"An Interesting and Difficult Woman" (Ollivander/Muriel)

"Forbidden Fruit" (Eileen (Prince) Snape/Irma Pince Eileen/Tobias implied Severus/Gideon implied)

"Haud Maius December" (Minerva McGonagall/Severus Snape)

"Never Hearts and Flowers" (Rufus Scrimgeour/Alastor Moody)


Regular posting will resume Monday afternoon (U.S. Eastern Time).

See you then!


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