Voting -- Session #83

Oct 13, 2007 22:57

Wow, so I'm the absolute worst mod ever, Y/Y?  I'm really sorry you guys; life has been a little... crazy lately, to say the least.  I never mean to neglect this place, but when we're doing two-week sessions, it suddenly becomes much easier for the polls to slip my mind.

Also, bear in mind that I'm modding this place alone these days, so I haven't got any backup if I happen to suck out loud and forget to post on any particular weekend.  That said, I think this was probably the longest session in this community in my 3+ years of modding, because WOW.  FAIL.  (On the plus side, the poll is huge, which is never a bad thing, if only that it means there are probably some tough choices ahead!)

Thanks very much to those of you who remembered to prod me, because even though I hadn't completely forgotten (not... exactly), the reminders really did help.

Poll The HPIA's: Voting -- Session 83

Nominations are now (finally) CLOSED, and will re-open after I post the winners on Monday.  Have a great weekend, everyone, and try not to hate me too much for taking freaking forever to do this.

Notes:  First, without singling out any members, I am (once again) seeing HOTLINKING in nominations (and no, I'm not talking about you icontest folks; we're all good there) -- and I am (once again) reminding y'all: DON'T DO IT.  If I catch you at it more than twice, I'm just going to drop you as a member, because you all should know better than to steal bandwidth by now.  Just... DON'T DO IT, dammit.  I am thisclose to smacking you guys silly until this (very, very simple) rule sets in.  Upload icons to your OWN web space, or please, just don't bother nominating at all.  Seriously.

Also, I am actually going to be a mod for another minute, and say that I'm wondering about how multiple nomination posts on behalf of icontests affect the voting -- it seems we end up with a lot of noticeable redundancy, since many of them employ the use of bases.  This is, after all, an awards community, and there's no need for every candidate from another contest community to show up here -- they have their voting, and we have ours.  Nothing against said communities having nominations posted on their behalf, but maybe less of them (especially multiples in the same categories) or even some rule-tweaking for the entire community might be in order.  I know I'm always harping on you guys to nominate, nominate, NOMINATE, but I think we're better off with fewer noms and greater diversity, than a bunch of similar icons, if that makes sense?

Anyway, if any of you have thoughts on that, please feel free to drop a comment here and let me know.


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