(no subject)

Jun 05, 2015 11:45

Name: frnklymrshnkly
Age: 26
Location: Toronto
What's in your journal: Random things usually related to feelings about fandom or academia, lately some recs--I'm getting more into that
Favourite HP character(s): Snape, Draco, Neville, Hermione, Pre-Tonks Remus
Interests/Hobbies outside of fandom: history, school, panel shows, Danish dramas, minimalism, meditation, healthy cooking and The Smiths (duh)
Friending policy: I love new friends
Hogwarts house: I believe the house system is divisive, but I am definitely a Hufflepuff
Familiar: Owl, toad or cat? Owl!
Favourite Hogwarts class: Most of them seem pretty useful to a wizard... Maybe potions though, cos I enjoy cooking.
Favourite pairing(s): Draco/Harry is probably 99% of what I read, but I also enjoy Remus/Sirius, Percy/Oliver and Pansy/Ginny, and, a couple of times per year, some Snape/(of-age) Harry
What you do in fandom: I read and comment ceaselessly, beta read, follow my favourite d/h fests and post recs
What you can offer to friends: I love beta reading, reading and posting in discussions related to fandom (especially meta stuff), and I genuinely enjoy reading about and commenting on RL stuff too
How long you've been in fandom: ~12 years. But I only stopped being a lurker like a year ago.
Other comms you like: bottomharry, daily_snitch, dracotops_harry, harrybang, hd_bottom_harry, hd_cliche, hd_eighthyear, hd_erised, hd_owlpost, hd_prophet, hd_remix, hd_smoochfest, hp_betas, hp_betas_wanted
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