
May 23, 2015 18:17

Name: That is under flock. Sorry...
Age: 30
Location: USA
What's in your journal: Fandom musings (Harry Potter, other fandoms and general), societal/everyday life musings, musings on social media and pop culture (I have a blog within a blog called "Shit My Facebook Says") and the occasional fun parody post. I have some RL, but it's not too RL heavy.
What rating is your journal: PG-13
Favourite HP character(s): Remus, Tonks, Hermione, Sirius, Neville, Luna.
Interests/Hobbies outside of fandom: History, writing, films.
Friending policy: Don't really have one?
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff. I'm such a Hufflepuff.
Familiar: Owl, toad or cat? I'd say a cat, but owls seem most useful in the universe. Just saying.
Favourite Hogwarts class: Ideally History of Magic, but I hated instructors like Binns, who'd bore me even though I loved history! Perhaps Muggle Studies or Transfiguration. :)
Favourite pairing(s): Remus/Tonks (before DH), Ron/Hermione.
What you do in fandom: I write fanfic (mostly Harry Potter), discussion posts, and in the past I've done recaps and re-reads.
What you can offer to friends: I love commenting on discussion and introspective posts, I'm open to other opinions... not sure what else?
How long you've been in fandom: Fifteen years. I remember when ff.n had only 100 Harry Potter fanfics. I'm an oldbie who never left.
Other fandoms you like: Parks and Recreation, Buffy, Firefly, Mad Men.
Other comms you like: I run bsc_snark, and I sometimes read customers_suck and bad_service.
Anything else you'd like to share:
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