Mar 30, 2009 15:41
1) New NKOTB dates up at I'm actually going to be able to go to one of the concerts near me this time!!
2) Ok people, when filling out comment cards and requesting to be added to our mailling list, seriously write neatly so I can put your information into the system. I'm not a mind reader nor do I know who you are and were you live. So if I interpret "Ahearns" as "Abrams", please do not call us up and bitch at us about it. You needed to write clearer... Or better yet, some have had the great idea just to stick a return address sticker, ya know like the free ones ASPCA and March of Dimes sends all the time, on the card. Now that, I can read.
3) I really hate walking into the hotel and being greeted with "Oh, great, you're here!" in a super sugary sweet tone of voice. I get really suspicious that you're about to unload a problem on me and usally, 99.9% of the time, that is exactly what happens.
Ok, randomness over.