Title: One
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: George Weasley, Ron Weasley
Author's Notes: I know it’s been overdone--sorry, I just needed to get this out! This is my first contribution. Apologies to authors who’ve written similar pieces; they’re all amazing. DH spoilers.
After the memorial service, George Weasley is unable to stand. Even the pew’s dense mahogany can't tether him to a world that stands still, and as his family moves to follow the funeral coach, he reaches for a hymn book and pages numbly through psalms. The words swim together. The twins have never believed in the importance of being well-read, anyway.
“C’mon,” Ron whispers. “It’s just you, but you’re enough, alright?”
He takes a deep breath before letting them lift him to his feet. Whether or not Fred would agree, George still believes in taking one step at a time.