The Truth Will Out / Before and After / New Pet?

Aug 02, 2007 21:52

General note: These are all Marauders' era, and therefore do not contain any DH spoilers. The spoilerful, post-DH ones will be posted later or tomorrow and cut, as they're supposed to be. It seems simpler and cleaner and less problematic to do two separate posts.

Title: The Truth Will Out
House: Gryffindor
Word count: 100
Challenge: #219, ‘after’
Characters/pairings: Marauders
A/N: MWPP's first year.

“You weren’t around all weekend.”

“Were you sick again, or did you have to go visit your mum?”

“And - is that a new cut or something on your face?”

Remus is suddenly cold.

“What’s going on, Remus?”

“Nothing,” Remus says, quietly, lest his friends - will they still be my friends in ten minutes’ time? - should hear his voice shaking.

“Because we’ve got this crazy idea about you - which is actually not that crazy, when you think about it...”

This is it. They’ve worked it out.

And, amazingly, after this conversation ends, he feels better and more hopeful than ever before.

Title: Before and After
House: Gryffindor
Word count: 100
Challenge: #219, ‘after’
Characters/pairings: Remus, Mrs. Lupin

Before Remus started Hogwarts, Mrs. Lupin had seen in her son a despair so profound, it was absolutely heartbreaking to witness.

The boy who came home for the summer holidays was a completely different child. There was a light in his eyes, and a smile on his face. He no longer looked that different from any other happy eleven year old boy.

“But be careful,” she said, hoping the reminder won’t dampen his spirits too much, “it’s wonderful that you have friends, but you mustn’t let anyone find out about you.”

“Of course not, Mum,” was the rather suspect reply.

Title: New Pet?
House: Gryffindor
Word count: 100
Challenge: #219, ‘after’
Characters/pairings: Remus, Sirius, Snape

“New pet, Lupin?” Snape asks, rounding the corner.

Remus jumps. “No - just a stray dog. Very friendly, sort of -”

The black dog’s ears are flat against his head; he snarls at Snape. Remus’ words die in his throat.

“Really,” Snape says, backing up. “Because I could have sworn I just heard you discussing Quidditch with this... animal.”

“Quidditch? No, of course not. Er - how’s your arm? Because I am sorry about what James and Sirius - ”

“I’m glad of that,” Snape says, acidly, and walks away.

After he’s gone, Remus gazes sternly at the dog.

“Sirius... was that really necessary?”
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