Challenge # 192: Balance
Title: Yin and Yang
House: Gryffindor
Characters: Severus Snape, Hermione Granger
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100 according to Word
Where he represented darkness, death, and terror, she was light, life, and delight.
She was like fire, she was warmth, and she was laughter. He was like water, he was cool, and he was always somber.
She was yin, so feminine, wonderfully soft, and perfectly gentle; he was yang, exquisitely masculine, all hard, and eternally unyielding.
She smelled like wildflowers and he smelled of exotic spices he used in Potions.
They sought not to complete each other but to bring balance to their world in their shared strength and wisdom.
And love blessed them all the days of their lives.