Challenge # 192: Balance
Title: Ten Million and Counting
House: Gryffindor
Characters: Harry Potter, Griphook
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 according to Word
Harry silently contemplated the events in the days past. The Final Battle with Voldemort that he had thankfully escaped with his life, his (seemingly shocking) defense of Snape before the Wizengamot, Ron and Neville’s flustered marriage proposals to a blushing Hermione, and his own awkward reunion with Ginny all swirled in his mind. He wondered if Ginny would agree to marry him after she graduated next summer.
“Your available balance is about ten million Galleons.”
His reverie was broken by Griphook announcing his fortune. Merlin, the goblin was even smiling.
“I guess Wizarding folk were showing their gratitude then.”