A Separation of Forces / Half In, Half Out / The Indignity of it All / Cheap Tricks

Jan 12, 2007 17:21

Title: A Separation of Forces
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Characters: Ron, the Trio.
Author's Notes: These four go together; the first two read well on their own, but the last need their context to work.

When the Ministry fell, the war started in earnest. The three of them were separated.

Harry was the not-so-secret weapon, the one they had to count on to win if any of then hoped to survive.

Hermione, meanwhile, did any sort of research that was required: mostly charms, potions, and advanced arithmancy.

And Ron, well, he'd been asked to help with strategy, and offered all the cushy non-combat jobs they could, but he had wanted to follow Harry into the belly of the beast. Harry had absolutely refused.

So here he was, in Auror training. Somebody had to do it.

Title: Half In, Half Out
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Characters: Millicent, the Slytherins.

In first year, Millicent realized that being halfblood was a bad idea in Slytherin.

In second year, Granger got Petrified. Millicent cheered -- she hated know-it-alls.

In third year, she decided that she wanted to be an Auror. Never a prisoner.

In fourth year, a Hufflepuff died. Millicent felt sick, but pretended not to care.

In fifth year, she won Umbridge's favor.

In sixth year, she cursed the Gryffindors for driving Umbridge mad.

In seventh year, Millicent took the Mark and the mask.

And then her parents were killed for being impure.

The next year saw her join the Aurors.

Title: The Indignity of it All
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Characters: Ron, Millicent.

"I'm not working with a Death Eater!"

"I've been cleared, Weasley --"

"I bet you didn't even pass any of your exams, Bulstrode --"

"Well, you got your rabbit-toothed girlfriend to take them for you!"

"I did not! I wouldn't cheat!"

"How do you expect to win if you don't --"

"SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!" shouted Goldstein. "This is a two-person mission and I'm not going to play musical chairs with the assignments so everyone can be with their friends."

"She hasn't got any friends, she's a Slytherin!"

"At least I can work without other people helping me along."

Title: Cheap Tricks
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Characters: Ron, Millicent.

When she'd been Full-Body Bound, she had seen Weasley fighting as only the youngest of five brothers can.

So when he'd been Stunned, she returned the favor.

"Out of the way, girl!" That was Jugson. She knew he was squeamish and slow. "Give us the blood traitor and you can still be saved."

She simply glared. "Wake up, damn you," she muttered, nudging Weasley with her foot. She heard him moan. Now.

"PANSY!" she shouted at a spot behind Jugson. When he turned and looked, the fool, she dragged Weasley to his feet and they stumbled away through the forest.

millicent bulstrude, rating: pg, slytherins, trio, challenge: balance, death eaters, author: kaesa, ron weasley

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