Title: A New Moon
Challenge: #191: New
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Remus Lupin
Author's Notes: Lupin reflects upon a new moon after Snape got 'pantsed'. Read and Review [Preferably at my LJ] ! Thank you!
The sky was pitch black, not a silvery fragment of the moon shone. Lupin stared up at the starless sky, an expanse of darkness. The moon and her silvery austere, it just mocked at him. It was a reminder of his weakness and his difference. A haunting reminder of his cowardice and not being able to stand up to his friends after what happened today.Lupin backed away stiffly from the window, eyes locked into the depths of the sky.
It was not yet time. He would just enjoy the new moon and the company of his friends.
For now…
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