Title: One Long Shot
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100 according to Word
Characters: Ron Weasley, Harry Potter
Rating: G
Challenge: Challenge # 189 Gamble
They were evenly matched and unless Harry could get to the Snitch soon, it looked like they might lose. Every man in their team were busy keeping the Quaffles out of scoring range or beating out the damaging Bludgers.
He watched in disbelief as his teammates scattered, an opposing Chaser racing towards him on the new Harpoon 3000.
Using his old broom, he awkwardly barreled towards the Chaser, effectively ruining their opponents’ play.
His acrobatics earned too much attention that for a moment, Harry wondered why they hadn’t noticed him capturing the Snitch.
“Harry, it was our last chance!”