Awoke the Dragon//Hate Me

Jul 24, 2006 22:52

Title: Awoke the Dragon
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Draco
Challenge: Dragons
Word Count: 100
A/N: Apologies to George R. R. Martin who I am currently reading as the awoke the dragon line is his. Warning - character death. Not sure if I like this, constructive criticism appreciated.

Draco slipped through the shadows of Malfoy Manor, his heart hammering in his ears. He had spent months from his home, trying to keep his mother safe from Voldemort’s wrath. He was only there now because Narcissa had summoned him.

The sticky sweet smell greeted him before he got any where near his mother’s bedroom.

Draco cried for hours at Narcissa’s side, holding her lifeless hand in his own. But, when the sun touched the window, he stopped crying. Emptying his heart, Draco awoke the Dragon.

It was time to make Voldemort pay. To make them all pay.

Especially Potter.

Title: Hate Me
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Theodore and Pansy
Challenge: Dragons
Word Count: 100
A/N: Theo is trying to keep Pansy from falling for him seeing as how she is dating Draco.

He glanced down and his gaze hardened, “What is this?” He asked, sliding a finger under the necklace around her neck and lifting the pendant into the light, “A dragon?”

Defensively, Pansy curled her fist around the pendant, “If you must know,” she snapped, “Draco gave it to me.”

“Why am I not surprised?” Theodore sneered, his voice dropping, “A cheap meaningless gift for a cheap meaningless whore.”

As Pansy’s hand cracked across his cheekbone, Theodore could not help but laugh, “Do I lie, love?”

Pansy whirled away from him, “I hate you!”

“You should.” He whispered to her back.

theodore/pansy, draco, challenge: dragons, author: wulfkub

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