Jul 06, 2006 20:39
Title: The Gringotts Anthem
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Bank
Memo - omit last verse at official functions.
But remember it.
Every goblin wants to work at Gringotts
An honest, hard, battle-scarred
Goblin makes a threatening guard -
And every goblin wants to work for Gringotts
Goblins dream of working here at Gringotts
Although we keep the treasure deep,
We fear for it when we’re asleep.
The goblins here all dream of work at Gringotts
Goblins spend their lives working at Gringotts
Once he knows just what the rows
Of numbers could do if he chose
To leave the bank and join their foes,
The goblin finds his life belongs to Gringotts.
author: migratory,
challenge: bank