Title: Cherry
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG, just because it's slash and there is innuendo at the end.
Challenge: Hidden Talents
Author's Notes: Post-Hogwarts, post-war, established H/D, fluff. Inspired by a comment
kitty_fic made to me last night. Ty, dear!
Crossposted to
maryfic The fire turned green momentarily and Harry Potter stepped out and brushed ash from his robes.
He heard muffled cursing coming from the kitchen and headed that way. He reached the open doorway and just about died laughing.
Draco and the whole of the kitchen were covered in what appeared to be muggle cherry pie filling. However, the blond was holding a perfect, untouched pie in his hands. Smirking, he offered it to Harry, who gawped.
"Is *this* why you never cook the muggle way?" Harry managed.
"Well, you *are* cleaning it up.”
Fortunately, the pie survived the cleaning unscathed.