Goodbye/Absent Friends

May 31, 2006 15:46

Title: Goodbye
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Challenge: In Memoriam
Characters/Pairings: Firenze
Author's Notes: End of HBP


When centaurs died, their herd gathered to sing songs and tell stories , and read the stars to see how the death would affect the world. Then they disperesed, and went on with their lives. Firenze felt that Professor DUmbledore deserved something more.

“You want us to do what?” Ronan managed to ask. Bane was verging on apoplexy, and the rest of the herd were too astonishsed to speak.

“You know how much we owe Dumbledore.” That earned him a round of mutterings and frowns, but he stood his ground. “The least we can do for him is attend his funeral.”

Title: Absent Friends
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Challenge: In Memoriam
Characters/Pairings: Hestia Jones
Author's Notes: Sometime soon after the first war


“Remus?” Hestia’s voice echoed in an empty apartment. Looked like he wouldn’t be coming home tonight. Heading over to the green couch, she pulled out the bed as he’d instructed. She was heading over to the stove to start some tea when she saw a photo that had fallen out of the cushions.

Remus’ pictures had been thrown away.Only this one had survived. Lily, Remus and James, on their last day at Hogwarts. James and Remus were jostling while Lily laughed.

Someone had written with a muggle felt tipped pin SRJPL Best Friends Forever, and drawn a heart around them.

challenge: in memoriam, author: youngest_one

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