
May 29, 2006 17:23

Title: Heir
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Challenge: In Memoriam
Characters/Pairings: Narcissa, with mentions of Lucius and Draco
Author's Notes: I wrote this originally for the malfoy100 "saying goodbye" challenge, but thought it fit here, too. I really don't mean to offend anyone by this, and it shouldn't have that effect, but just in case...

The Mediwizard said it was a girl. Narcissa smiled, and only those closest to her and her husband would see the sadness in her eyes, beyond the feigned delight.

At the manor, she looks through Lucius’s library, the smell of mold and dust heavy in her nose. She finds the spell book she is looking for. It is a heavier volume, yellowing pages and soft leather binding.

Two days later, Narcissa awakes to a tear-stained pillow, images of a daughter fading from her mind. She drinks the potion with her breakfast, never saying goodbye.

Two years later, Draco is born.

author: turin_lover, challenge: in memoriam, narcissa malfoy

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