Title: Baggage
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Starve
Characters/Pairings: The Trio, Sirius
Author's Notes: The idea for these drabbles started with Prisoner, and built their way up from there. They can be connected, but all work independently as well. If read as a series, they're out of chronological order for my own reasons :)
This one takes place during GoF, when the Trio go to meet Sirius in Hosgmeade. Some artistical license taken advantage of here.
Harry sits on the floor of the cave, watching a starving Sirius devour cold food with a jealous fervor. He glances at the Daily Prophets and the scratches in the walls that look fairly new. He takes no notice of barely anything else once they start talking, although he lets Ron and Hermione do most of it.
When Sirius stands and paces the cave, it takes a few minutes before Harry realizes why Sirius’s words seemed slurred: when deep in thought, he bites his nails. It seems to be an unconscious habit, and Harry wonders where he picked it up.
Title: Relapse
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Starve
Characters/Pairings: The Marauders
Author's Notes: Again, stands alone, but can be read with others. MWPP era, obviously.
"James, stop it."
"Stop what?" James looks at Sirius, half indignant, half sincerely confused.
"You know what, Jamie. You do it all the time and you know it disgusts me. So stop."
They’re sitting in the kitchens while the house elves bring enough food to feed a starving nation.
"I’ll stop doing it if you tell me what I’m doing."
Sirius sighs dramatically. "Moony, tell him what he’s doing." Remus looks amused but keeps his mouth shut.
"You’re biting your nails," Peter quips.
"Thank you, Peter. Yes, James. You’re gnawing at your nails and I HATE it. So stop. Please."
Title: Subtlety
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Starve
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Sirius
Author's Notes: Same notes as above.
When Harry moves into Grimmauld Place he starts spending more and more time with Sirius. They talk and smoke and reminisce about the past, shrouded in smoke or sometimes in silence. When Sirius places his hand on Harry’s, and Harry’s squeezes back, the air shifts but their gaze breaks, and a silence settles, starved of all comfort.
The next time it happens, it’s done on purpose, and Harry looks at the hand in his. The skin in tanned and scarred, and calloused under his fingertips. He looks again and it is then he realizes that Sirius doesn’t have any fingernails.
Title: Prisoner
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Starve
Characters/Pairings: Sirius
Author's Notes: Same as above. I'm so freakin' inspired for this challenge, I love it.
You still hear stories about the fortress of Azkaban, about how the prisoners went crazy or starved themselves or slipped into silence to drown in the rushing of their memories. You still hear about hooded Dementors and goodnight kisses, and what it drove people to. And I’d have to agree with them except I’ve been there, and I can tell you that it doesn’t happen to everyone.
The Dementors fed my hate and my resolve. They fed me thoughts even while they stole some away. When I left Azkaban, I had no fingernails. That’s the other thing the Dementors did.