Title: Life is Unfair
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Percy Weasley, Cornelius Fudge
Author's Notes: Takes place sometime during OotP
Rating: G
“I’m sorry Mr. Weasley ... Percy, but I cannot offer you a promotion at this time,” Cornelius Fudge began. “Although I am willing to overlook the unfortunate events with Mr. Crouch, I ... we feel uncomfortable about your family’s involvement in, shall we say, un-Ministerial activities. ”
“I haven’t seen any of them in months,” Percy all but shouted. “You can’t punish me just for sharing their name.”
“Watch your tone, Mr. Weasley and don’t forget who you’re talking to,” Fudge chastised sharply. “No respect, you Weasley’s, that’s the trouble.”
Percy scowled, knowing that once again being a Weasley was holding him back.