where only minds can wander...

Mar 01, 2006 13:02

Title: Where only minds can wander...
Characters: Luna Lovegood, mention of others
Rating: G
House: Ravenclaw
Challenge: What's in a name
A/N: Basically, luna just chillin...and punning names

Every morning, as students entered the Great Hall for breakfast, her mind tended to wander - and she tended to let it…

“Millicent Bulstrode…The bull strode across the arena, and she was glad she hadn’t paid much. It wasn’t worth a full cent, much less a kilo-cent. Yes, it was a good thing she’d only paid a milli-cent.

“Harry Potter…’Please, sir, buy my pot.’ ‘I couldn’t. You are much too hairy for a potter…there could be hair in my pot!’

“Pansy Parkinson…If she were a flower, she would sit in the sun. Why wouldn’t this pansy park in the sun?”

Luna smiled. She did love good name-puns.
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