Darkness/A Way Out/Tied Up

Feb 01, 2006 08:26

Title: Darkness
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape, Peter Pettigrew, small mention of Narcissa and Bellatrix
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Right after the two women leave. A little bit spoilerish for HBP, but nothing too bad.

His heart thumped loudly. One strand, two strands, three strands, it was done. He was bound by the Unbreakable Vow.

Narcissa and Bellatrix didn’t stay long after that. Not after Bellatrix’s wand had bound Severus to a horrible fate. He knew what he would have to do in the end.

Severus looked up as Wormtail padded into the room, then cast his eyes back down.

Wormtail narrowed his eyes at Severus, his hands wringing in front of him, “So you’re really gonna do it?”

Severus looked up at him with cold eyes, “I was always bound to a dark destiny.”

Title: A Way Out
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Sirius Black and Dumbledore
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Sirius not wanting to listen to orders again...

“But…that’s not fair…” Sirius huffed.

“It isn’t, but I daresay that the Order needs you Sirius. If I have to I will personally gag and bind you here.” Dumbledore looked over his spectacles at Sirius.

Sirius blinked, “What?”

Dumbledore nodded slowly, “I do believe you heard me Sirius. Now I must be going.” He stood up and with a swirl of robes walked out of the kitchen.

Sirius sat there for a few moments. He couldn’t believe he was being told to stay cooped up in a place he loathed. Well, one way or another he’d find a way out.

Title: Tied Up
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Lily Potter and James Potter
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: A little sex implied but nothing major. Probably after they first get married.

James tugged at the soft scarves that bound his wrists, letting out a frustrated sigh. The headboard creaked slightly, but that was all.

Lily bit her bottom lip as she watched him, “What’s the matter honey?”

James looked over at her, prepared to say something, but words left him as he stared at her naked body.

She walked over slowly to him, “What was that dear?”

“Nothing love.”

“You don’t want to do this then?” She asked halfheartedly as she straddled him.

James let out a small moan, “I…what other Muggle tricks do you know?” He smiled as she laughed.

lily potter, rating: g, james potter, author: lady_match, rating: pg-13, sirius black, severus snape, albus dumbledore, challenge: bound, james/lily

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