Power of Love/Steadfast/Goodbye to Neville

Jan 28, 2006 09:57

Title: The Transforming Power of Love
Character[s]: Severus Snape
Rating: PG
Challenge: Transformation
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: This one came to me right before bed, but I was too upset by other events elsewhere on the web to write it then.

The news traveled fast; almost instantaneously. It struck devastatingly.


Blood stained the carpet; Severus sought to cut the Mark from his flesh. The snake reared and hissed, remaining where it was. The gashes were nothing compared to knowing she was gone. He briefly considered poison.

Her laughing green eyes were, in his head, reproachful. The sole survivor had been their child. That James was gone too was not the comfort he'd thought it would be.

He could not apparate to Hogwarts, so he scried the proceedings. The Floo network might be watched, so he waited to seize his moment.

Title: Steadfast
Character[s]: Dumbledore and Hagrid.
Rating: G
Challenge: Transformations
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: And this one came to me a minute after finally getting the previous one done.

Upon hearing, Hagrid's tears, the size of Chocolate Frogs, fell like rain. He sniffled, wiped his nose on his sleeve, and in a voice that quavered and boomed, offered whatever aid Albus thought best.

Dumbledore had already been prepared for this sad eventuality. "Go and collect the baby. I will meet you at the house."

The old wizard hung his head sadly. So many transformations -- a student he'd hoped to save into a murderin monster. A family into shattered memories. He silently thanked whatever Powers there were for Hagrid -- who never changed.

He remained ever loyal, trustworthy, faithful, and big-hearted.

Title: Goodbye to Sandra Dee Neville Longbottom...
Character[s]: Neville Longbottom
Rating: G
Challenge: Transformations
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: My boy Neville. *firm nod*

Thinking back, Neville had always had it in him; hadn't he stood up to the trio? Lupin helping him overcome his terror of Snape had given him momentum his grandmother's derision could not.

The DAs had given him a feeling of belonging. But it was the battle at the Ministry that cemented it all. Despite his fear, and a broken nose, he wielded his father's wand.

Now it was war. Scared little Neville was gone; in his place had grown Neville the wizard.

Gum wrappers in his pocket, he'd become ready to do what he must to see Voldemort toppled.

severus snape, albus dumbledore, neville longbottom, author: indigoskynet, challenge: transformation, rubeus hagrid

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