Bad Girls Go Everywhere/Last Rites

Jan 26, 2006 22:45

Title: Bad Girls Go Everywhere
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Ginny
Challenge: Transformation
Word Count: 100
A/N: Fall from grace equals a transformation in my mind *G*

Afraid that her fall from grace would be blatantly obvious, she dawdled in the dorm until breakfast finished before heading down to class. She walked quickly, certain that the whispered conversations and sideways glances were all directed at her, that they all knew.

When Malfoy tried to meet her eyes, she pretended not to see him, flushing. When Snape stared at her, she intentionally dropped a flask. Slicing herself on the glass, she was excused.

Her cheeks flaming from Snape's knowing looks, Ginny raced to the bathroom and pushed up her sleeve, admiring the black snake twined on her arm.

Title: Last Rites
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: It depends.
Challenge: Transformation
Word Count: 100
A/N: I swear, I started this thinking it was for the Friar and then it changed to Voldemort and then back again to the Friar. I suppose it could work for both, I mean, as a ghost, the Friar would have had centuries (considering his clothes) to get over being dead and to give up any hatred on his part to work towards getting into heaven. Also, too, considering that he is Catholic, that is the only way he would be allowed in.

Do you renounce Satan and all his works?

They broke his wand when they fetched him, damned interfering villagers! What did they know about Satan, these magicless morons?

Do you believe in the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ?

Some damn Muggle fool prayed over him. What the hell did he know about God?

Do you wish to confess and be shriven of your sins?

The indignity of it all crashed in and he wept, for the first time in years. All the changes, all the work, and still he was dying. Unless, he could just...

He was a ghost.

ginny weasley, rating: pg, author: wulfkub, challenge: transformation

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