Suddenly Lacking

Jan 17, 2006 06:40

Title: Suddenly Lacking
House: Slytherin
Challenge: Draw
Characters: Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter (implied), Remus Lupin (implied)
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Sort of a sequel to lady_match's Quickest Thing, but I took the liberty of changing the setting to the Marauders' Hogwarts years because it was easier that way. I just really liked the idea, and I hope I did it justice. :)

Sirius Black had a hunch that his friends were hiding something from him.

There was the giggling that would escalate to full blown laughter when he entered the room.

There were the meetings that he was suddenly not privy to.

And there were the folded bits of parchment that somehow found their way into everyone's hands but his.

At first, they tried to deny it, but it didn’t take long for Peter to cave.

“Here,” he said, barely able to speak through his laughter as he held up a paper mostly covered with a crude drawing.

“Sirius Lacks,” it read.

james potter, marauders, rating: pg, challenge: draw, author: happyeaster, sirius black, remus lupin, peter pettigrew

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