Title: A Pureblood Daughter
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Purity
Characters/Pairings: Narcissa Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, mentions Bellatrix
Author's Notes: snippet from my ongoing Ginny series, this is after she's fled her family and has been taken in by the Malfoys. Full story at
inhibitions Narcissa turned Ginny to face her. "Mellantha."
"...I'm sorry?" Ginny stared back, confused.
"Bella always wanted a little girl to raise; a daughter to grow up just like her. She wanted to have a beautiful pureblood daughter, but she slipped up, and she was sent to Azkaban before she and Rodolphus had children. We used to talk; about the future; about children. She wanted to name her daughter Mellantha."
Ginny's eyes opened a little wider. She was beginning to catch on. "I can't be Ginny anymore. Can I?"
Narcissa shook her head. "Perfect, pure, Mellantha Black." She smiled. "For Bella."