Title: Happy Wolf/Owl Day?
eternity_1005House: Ravenclaw
Words: 100
Challenge: Party
Characters: Remus, Sirius
Notes: Remus feels a bit blue for his own celebration.
Some of their ideas were clever, Remus would be the first to admit, but some went too far. Sure it was all in good fun... for them.
"Why the long face Moony, this is your day after all!" Sirius cheerfully poured a butterbeer.
Remus smiled, "Thanks, really, it’s nice that you put together this party… but celebrating the day I became a werewolf isn’t exactly my idea of a good time." He glanced outside to see the waxing moon.
"Is it?" Sirius looked perplexed, "We just wanted butterbeer and to congratulate you on your OWLS..."
"Oh... here’s to me then."