Title: A Puppet No More
House: Hufflepuff
funkifi3d_m3Challenge: Party
Word Count: 100
Characters: Lavender, the Giant Squid, random Merperson, implied Parvati
Rating: G
Author's Notes: I wanted something where Lavender wasn't constantly overshadowed by Parvati's strong personality.
Cool, deep blue surrounded her vision. Her hair took advantage of its freedom and floated generously around her. She watched in fascination as air bubbles emitted from her mouth and disappeared to the top. She followed them and broke through the surface long enough to gulp some air before plunging back down.
This was what it felt like to be free of Parvati and her party of giggling idiots.
A pair of yellow eyes lit the darkness and a tentacle wrapped itself around her body as she followed the quickly receding mer-tail. It was her turn to have fun now.
Title: In Good Company
House: Hufflepuff
funkifi3d_m3Challenge: Party
Word Count: 100
Characters: Luna
Rating: G
Author's Notes: I can't seem to get enough of Luna. Inspired by the actual movie (with Scarlett Johansson and Topher Grace) and its title and just went on from there. =)
“Loony Lovegood” is what she heard whispered in hushed tones in the hallways, behind the bookshelves, under the staircases.
She was labeled as a freak because of her jaded oddity, her strange spouting and beliefs of creatures that don’t exist. Luna found that it’s not that people didn’t need to be friends with her. They didn’t want to be friends with her at all.
But what does she care? People thought that she was lonely, but she always had her very own party to keep her company. A party in her head with her parents and all her strange creatures.
Title: Backfired Plan
House: Hufflepuff
funkifi3d_m3Challenge: Party
Word Count: 100
Characters: Ginny, Hermione, Hannah, Ginny/Dean, Ginny/Harry
Rating: G
Author's Notes: I feel that this was being begged to be written when Ginny (I think it was), revealed how she waited for Harry to recognize they were soulmates and matured during the process as well. That and I love some parallels that Hermione draws with Mrs. Weasley in her actions.
Ginny froze in the middle of her conversation with Hannah Abbott and slowly turned around.
“I have a bone to pick with you!” Hermione clenched as she faced the simmering red-head.
“Fortunately, I don’t want to talk to you, so you needn’t bother!”
“What’s this I hear about Ron spotting you sucking Dean’s face?!”
“Ron’s a big boy, he can handle it. Besides, it was your idea to mess around with Harry like this!”
“Don’t you DARE put the blame on me now!”
“Party favours anyone?” Hannah meekly offered as the two girls glared at each other.