Swing a Cat/Games/Swings and Roundabouts/Never Go Home

Nov 09, 2005 22:13

Title: Swing a Cat
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13
Characters: You’ll see
Challenge: Swing
Word Count: 100
Notes: OC, kinda. She had to earn her name somehow. I kinda doubt it was this way but it’s cute.

“There isn’t enough room to swing a cat in here.” She said with a sniff, walking into their dorm room her first day at Hogwarts. “My bedroom at home is at least twice this size. So is my bed.”

Scowling down at her plate, she shoved it aside, “The food is fattening. We eat far better fare at home.”

“What do you mean, we don’t get wine with dinner?” She fairly shouted, knocking over her pumpkin juice, ignoring the hateful stares of her classmates, “My parents serve me wine whenever I want it.”

Moaning Myrtle, indeed.

Bitch, wine, and moan.

Title: Games
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Bellatrix and Rodolphus
Challenge: Swing
Word Count: 100
Notes: Hints at but isn’t specific. Ergo, low parental rating.

Rodolphus jerked back, “Stop playing games with me, Bellatrix.”

“But darling, I like games.” Bella purred, raising her hand to his face, “You would like them too,” she slapped his face, hard, “if...”

Grabbing her wrists with one hand, Rodolphus snarled, “Enough!” and raised his fist.

She closed her eyes, waiting for the blow to fall.

It never fell.

Disappointed, Bella opened her eyes to see his arm frozen in mid swing, “No,” he said quietly, releasing her with a frown of disgust, “I will not let you turn me into Him. No matter how much you want it.”

Title: Swings and Roundabouts
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13
Characters: The Trio
Challenge: Swing
Word Count: 100
Notes: I think that has to be my all time favorite British phrase ever.

“It’s swings and roundabouts, really.”

Ron and Harry looked at Hermione in surprise as she shoved her books away from her, carelessly dropping them on the floor. “What do you mean?” Harry asked, shooting a puzzled look at Ron.

Hermione ran her fingers through her hair, “If I ever date one of you, the other will get hurt. Swings and roundabouts.”

Ron frowned and shrugged his shoulders, “So, what are you going to do?”

“I dunno. Date Viktor, I suppose.” As the boys both shouted angry protests, Hermione smiled softly. That was one way to find out which one liked her.

Title: Never Go Home
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Harry
Challenge: Swing
Word Count: 100
Notes: Ok, so I depressed myself with this one.

Stepping inside quietly, Harry looked around. Aunt Petunia would have cried if she could see her house now. The wallpaper was shredded, the carpets torn up, the furniture smashed. Trailing his fingers in the dust, Harry grimaced. There was at least six months of dirt there.

Walking by the park, Harry stopped to stare at the swing set. The new paint could hardly conceal the rust and the seat looked to be rotted out. Harry sat down anyway. For just a moment, he could pretend they were still alive and that he was just a normal boy.

Not a murderer.

trio, challenge: swing, moaning myrtle, author: wulfkub, harry potter, rodolphus/bellatrix, rating: pg-13

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