Changes: The Dark Lady / Gryff Common Room / What We Fear Most

Jul 19, 2005 09:17

Title: The Dark Lady
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Characters: DM, BL
A/N: Spoilers for HPB. Darkfic! Probably squicky! Part of the plot arc for a novel-length WIP, written to help plotting.

"You are an uncommonly lucky young man, my nephew."

Draco said nothing.

"By all rights, your - hm, temporary lapse? - on the tower should have you dead. Perhaps even given to Fenrir, though you're a bit old for him now." Bellatrix smiled sweetly at him. "And your mother dead, too."

Draco said nothing, again.

Suddenly, she was sitting on his lap, stroking his hair. "Yes, Draco, lucky." Her smile was now dark, hidden, poisoned. "Our Dark Lord has given you to me. As a gift."

"I'd rather be dead."

"Oh, yes. I should think so." Her teeth sank into his shoulder.

Title: What We Fear Most
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Characters: DM, FG
A/N: Spoilers for HBP. Dark. Possibly part of the WIP from previous drabble.

The walls were rough stone. Probably his own dungeons, though he didn't know them well enough to tell the difference. If this were Azkaban, maybe he could see his father. The thought cheered Draco a bit.

"Boy." The voice was gruff and deep.

Not Azkaban, then, unless werewolves ran it now.

"Boy." Fiercer now. "Malfoy. Do you know who I am?"

He forced words past swollen bloodied lips. "Grayback."

"Do you know what I am?"

Draco nodded. "The boggart in Junior Death Eater closets."

Grayback chuckled, rusty and harsh. "Yes. I've come for you."

Title: Gryffindor Common Room
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Characters: Trio
A/N: Spoilers for HBP. Set somewhere before the very end of the book.

"I don't think so, Ron. There's something more to it."

"He killed Dumbledore! How much more proof do you need, Hermione?"

"Do you really think Dumbledore would just let Snape kill him?"

"He didn't." Harry spoke up from the depths of his armchair. "He begged Snape to do it."

"He never did!" Ron's blush always looked violent. "Next you'll say that we have to go find him or something. To save him."

Harry's voice tumbled over Hermione's. "Not a bad idea" blended into "Oh, Ron, you have good ideas when you don't think too hard!"

"Well, bollocks," said Ron moodily.
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