Dementia 1- 5, Beginning Again

Dec 29, 2004 14:48

Title: Dementia 1
Words: 100
Challenge: Beginning
House: Hufflepuff
Characters: Harry, ?
Author Notes: This started as one drabble, and it just grabbed me...hopefully they stand alone...Let me know if you can think of better titles...I'm bad at them. :P

“It’s been getting worse.”

“Mm. How so?”

“I’m beginning to see things. Even when I’m not sleeping.”

“Have you been taking the ‘Potions’ I prescr -”

“Nothing helps.”

“Is that why you attacked that man yesterday?”

“It was a Dementor. I keep telling you, I had no choice.”


“You think I’m going mad.”

“I think you’re feeling very -”

“Don’t lie.”

“…Alright. Harry, we think you’ve had a psychic break…dissolution of reality, in response to the loss of your godfather. In short, Harry, you’re slowly making yourself mad.”


“Harry…when did you first start calling yourself a ‘wizard?’


Title: Dementia 2
Words: 100
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Beginning
Characters: Harry, ?

“That’s a lie!” Harry shouted, standing on top of the mauve couch, trying to stay as far away from the psychiatrist as he could.

“Harry, please calm down.”

“I’m a wizard! I started Hogwarts five years ago, and I’m going back there this September! I can do magic! And my godfather did NOT die in a motorcycle crash, and my parents did NOT die in a car crash, and this scar came from Lord Voldemort!”

“Harry, Lord Voldemort does not exist.”


“Harry, look at your wand.”

Harry gaped, disbelieving, at the pencil he clutched white-knuckled in his right hand.

Title: Dementia 3
Words: 100
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Beginning
Characters: Harry, ?

“I’ve been Obliviated,” Harry muttered, looking around the psychiatrist’s office, “Or…something. I’ll figure it out. Don’t you worry, I’ll figure it out.”

“We think the stress of your godfather’s accident began triggering suppressed memories of your parent’s death, and rather than accept them, you re-wrote the past five or six years of your life to make it more bearable.”

“Riddikkulus,” Harry muttered.

“It’s not ridiculous, Harry, it happens more often than you’d -”

“Riddikkulus!” Harry screamed, pointing his pencil at the woman.

She simply looked up at him with a patient, slightly sad expression on her face.

“I’m sorry, Harry.”

Title: Dementia 4
Words: 100
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Beginning
Characters: Harry, ?

“Ron and Hermione?”

“I know you love them very much, Harry…but you must believe me - you invented them.”


“Harry, you must begin the healing process.”

He paused for a moment.

“Alright,” he said, hanging his head, “You’re right. I’m ready to begin.”

“Excellent, Harry. This is a real break-through.”

“Let’s shake on it, then.”


Harry extended his left hand. The Healer reached to take it, but Harry seized her wrist, and pushed up her sleeve, to reveal -

“And I suppose that’s a birthmark?” Harry asked, viciously.

The flash of fear in her eyes was all he needed.

Title: Dementia 5
House: Hufflepuff
Words: 100
Challenge: Beginning
Characters: Harry, ?


Harry continued screaming and pounding on the door, though both his throat and his fists were aching.

“Lots of people have tattoos, Harry.”

“Not that one!”

“Why didn’t the spell work, Harry? That, ‘Almora’ thing you kept shouting?”

“Because you’ve got my wand stashed away somewhere. Or…”

He paused, realization beginning to dawn.

“Or what?” she asked, and Harry thought he heard a distinct tone of anxiety in her voice.

“Or because I didn’t believe it was a wand.”

Slowly he raised the pencil and pointed it determinedly between her eyes.

“Wait,” she said, raising her hands.


Title: Beginning Again
Words: 100
Challenge: Beginning
House: Hufflepuff
Characters: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Lupin, Mrs. Weasley, Albus (implied)

It had taken a while to trust anyone. When he’d first seen Ron and Hermione he’d spent an hour running his hands over their faces, pinching them until they winced, pulling their hair, smelling them.

He spent hours casting basic spells. “Lumos. Nox. Lumos. Nox.”

“Dementia Warbeck was one of Voldemort’s most insidious Death Eaters,” Lupin had told him, gently, “Her gift for casting glamours was unmatched in the entire wizarding world.”

His voice trembled.

“We searched and searched…”

“No!” he’d overheard Molly shouting, “And hang the prophecy, Albus, he needs time!”

“I’m ready to go back,” he’d interrupted meekly.

author: bluejeanphoenix, molly, challenge: beginning, ron, the death eaters, challenge: beginnings, hermione, dumbledore, harry, death eaters, ron weasley, hermione granger, molly weasley, remus lupin, death eater, albus dumbledore, harry potter, remus

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