Title: Kiss
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Challenge: Beginnings
She couldn’t believe that it was simply a kiss. It seemed so much more. It was like having a blindfold ripped from her eyes and for the first time really seeing him. She could see beyond the smarminess and insults that he seemed to delight in hiding behind. It was like bottled lightening running up and down her spine and she knew it wouldn’t take much for to trip over into love for with that kiss she certainly fell into lust.
Hermione couldn’t believe that the boy she had spent so much time loathing could be one she could love.
Title: The Journey
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Challenge: Beginnings
The young blond haired father marveled at the tiny hand in his palm. It was such a perfect replication of his own only so much, much smaller. His son smiled up at him, a huge gummy, drool dripping grin. Draco felt love unlike anything he ever felt before, even for his wife, overwhelm him in a wave. He knew in that exact moment that he would die to protect this baby, this child of his.
Hermione stood in the doorway with tears running down her cheeks at the sight of the two most dear to heart begin their journey together.