Thin Air | Dragon Street | Identification | Gillyweed

Nov 21, 2004 20:47

Title: Thin Air
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Challenge: the law
Characters/ pairings: Original character, mentions Harry and Ron
Author’s note: This is very different from my usual subject matter, and I’m hoping it’s not too far from the actual challenge since it’s more Muggle law than Wizard law.

Officer Watson found sitting in her car on a side street near King’s Cross station far more exciting than her normal workload, yet she was exhausted. She fought to stay awake. There was an interesting car parked nearby. It was turquoise. That was worth staying awake and looking at - one didn’t often see turquoise cars.

Two boys were getting into it. Watson assumed they were waiting for their parents. It was her job to watch them, not to sleep...

The Ford Anglia suddenly vanished into thin air. The officer started. She must have been even more tired than she’d realized.

Title: Dragon Street
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Challenge: the law
Characters/ pairings: Marauders

“I have tickets to see the Dragon Street Ruins in London,” Sirius anounced, grinning. His friends crowded around him.


“How many?”

“Where did you get them?”

“Four. There was a contest in the Three Broomsticks.”

Remus frowned.

“Those contests? Wow. The odds must have been incredible.”

Sirius winked.

“I had this little charm that may have affected the outcome. Not a lot, mind you. Well. Maybe.”

“Brilliant,” James said.

“That’s horrible,” Remus admonished. “They have laws against those things.”

“What would happen if you get caught?” Peter asked.

“I won’t,” Sirius answered, impatiently. “And you’re all coming with me.”

Title: Identification
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Challenge: the law
Characters/ pairings: Remus/Sirius

“Identification?” the doorman asked. Remus’ eyes widened.


“He’s with me,” Sirius said, putting his arm around Remus’ shoulder and dragging the smaller boy into the club. Remus pulled away.

“This is illegal,” he hissed. “You didn’t tell me we had to be a certain age to come here.”

Sirius laughed.

“Live a little,” he said. “Half the people here are our age.”

“Can’t they tell? Don’t they have spells for these sorts of things?”

Sirius waved his hand impatiently.

“Would you rather be in a Muggle club?”

“Are those illegal too?”

“Honestly, Moony.” Sirius laughed. “You worry too much.”

Title: Gillyweed
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Challenge: the law
Characters/ pairings: James, Remus
Author’s note: The law this mentions is the minimum age to get married, though I’m not sure if eighteen was the minimum in England at this time. The irony is that Remus is gayer than a tree full of moneys - despite the fact that 3/4 of the girls in the fandom (and a number of the boys) would throw themselves at his feet and just want to cuddle him and feed him chicken soup and things.

“You should get married,” James said.

“What?” Remus asked.

“You could use... you know...”

“- No.”

“But you could. And- Padfoot and I were talking- we decided you wouldn’t do that without being married. You’re too old-fashioned.”

“.... So you discuss my sex life behind my back?”

“The point is, you need a girl. You should get married.”

“The minimum age for marriage is eighteen. I’m fifteen. Besides, whom would I marry?”

James shrugged.

“Find a nice girl, who’d- you know- take care of you and feed you.... chicken soup.”

Remus sighed.

“I think it’s time to lay off the gillyweed, Prongs.”
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